Personal Trainers and Personal Shoppers

by glenn on July 18, 2011

If you’ve ever had a personal shopper help you in a store, then you know difference they can make in your shopping experience and the quality of your clothing selections for your body shape.  If you’ve ever had a personal trainer in the gym, then you know the value they can add to your workout toward the realization of your fitness goals.  These two professions are linked in our quest for looking good.  The idea of these two professions, personal trainers and personal shoppers, may sound like fantasy personnel to have helping you, but it truly is becoming more mainstream than you think.


Despite many peoples initial reaction to that statement, personal trainers and personal shoppers are no longer just for the rich and famous.  All across America and the world, entrepreneurs and fashionistas are making careers out of helping individuals look and feel their best.   There is no doubt that these types of careers may be more lucrative in a metropolitan area like New York City, but nonetheless you can find personal shoppers in many department stores “from California to the New York Island.” So, what links these two services so closely together?  Our quest to be the best we can be.


Think about a trip to the store to buy some new clothes.  You may know what you are looking for, but a personal shopper knows what will look good on you.  They know what’s good for showing off your curves or hiding a flaw, or accentuating the v-shape from broad shoulders.  In most cases, they’ve been trained on these strategies, studied the manufacturers, and know what questions to ask in helping to zero in on what you like, but may not have picked out yourself.  The quality of your purchases will be better because you like what you bought and you know it looks good on you.  Best of all, it is no additional cost to seek the help of a store employed professional shopper.  The store wants to help you buy the clothes you like and will wear often, so that you will come back to shop again.  Remorseful buyers don’t rush back to purchase more.


The same can be true for your trips to the gym to get in shape.  You may know some exercises that you want to do, but a personal trainer Bronx can show you others you can do instead that will produce better results in less time.  They can map out a session and multiple week program that will help you lose the weight, build muscle, and strengthen your core in a more efficient and sustaining manner.  Most trainers have undergone extensive training themselves to learn how to devise a program, overcome barriers, and create better habits.  You may spend a bit more to work with a Bronx personal trainer, but the quality of your experience at the gym will be increased.  Your trainer wants you to look forward to your next visit to the gym.  They want you to be focused every time you step onto the gym floor, whether you have a session with them or are on your own.  When your fitness level improves, so does your urge to keep at it.


The final intertwining of personal trainers and personal shoppers comes when you’ve made huge strides at the gym with your personal trainer.  The first thing many people need or want to do is to go out and buy new clothes.  This is the perfect time to set up with that personal shopper.  Let them accentuate your positive that you worked so hard to achieve.  Enjoy your workout!


Your personal trainer helped you achieve the body you wanted.  Now go out and buy some new clothes with the personal shopper to help show it off.  Don’t hide it, stride it!


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