Three Simple Things A Personal Trainer Should Not Do

by glenn on August 10, 2011

Committing to work with a personal trainer is not something to be taken lightly.  It is a big investment mentally, physically, and fiscally.  Unfortunately, not all personal trainers look at the relationship from the client’s perspective. The trainer’s professional conduct, or lack thereof, can have serious effects on a client’s motivation, progress, and commitment.  Here are three items to evaluate when making your choice of personal trainers.


When you commit to a session, you should see your personal trainer there a few minutes early and ready to go at the agreed upon start time.  This means they should not be walking in right when the session is supposed to start.  They should need a couple of minutes to get ready for you.  The expectation is that they have an agenda and some notes to review for the today’s workout.  Also, they should not excuse themselves by saying they started late with another client.  If their previous client started late, you should not be the one to suffer and then you lose a few minutes at the end.  At some point in the day, the time will have to made up and with a full schedule, you don’t want to be the client that gets cheated. Even worse, they show up late holding a hot cup of coffee.


Personal trainers Bronx should not show up to your session in jeans and a t-shirt. Other than a suit, jeans have to be one of the most anti-workout pieces of clothing one could wear.  A fitness trainer should be ready to perform the exercises with you with you. This doesn’t mean their favorite workout wear for training on a day off.  Rather, this means a nice, clean athletic wear outfit.  A polo shirt with their business logo is an even nicer touch since it gives the impression again that this is about the business of your session.


A third red flag is if you personal trainer is more concerned with their electronic devices than the training session they are being paid for.  They should be focusing on you.  A personal trainers office is often a smartphone since they are always mobile.  But that is no excuse for them to lose focus during a session.  If they are reading emails or responding to text messages, then they are not evaluating your form, watching your breathing, or pushing you for those last few repetitions.  This is similar to not focusing in a business meeting This is not only dangerous, but downright rude for your trainer to expect to be paid by you while they are not focused on you.  This is, in effect, a fitness professional’s business meeting.


If your personal trainer Bronx exhibits these behaviors, you might feel inclined to search for another one.  You should not continue to pay someone who isn’t committed to showing up on time, isn’t dressed ready for action, and isn’t paying attention to you.  Achieving fitness goals is dependent on your commitment, focus, and motivation.  If you don’t have a fitness professional who helps you stay on target here, you are within your rights to make this decision.



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