Like A Good Friend, A Personal Trainer in NYC Should Always Be There For You… Even When They’re Not There

by glenn on September 5, 2010

My wife’s personal trainer calls her a couple of times a week to remind her to ice her ailing knee. Or, when she’s exhausted, to reach for an apple instead of a sugary treat in the office pantry.  Working with a personal trainer in New York City doesn’t mean that for 60 minutes once or twice a week they know you and then for the other 166 hours (yes, there are 168 hours in a week) they don’t and you don’t know them.

Most people who work with a personal trainer do not do so every time they exercise. Most people make it a point to meet with their trainers once or twice a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. The other days they may visit the gym on their own.  No matter what your level of frequency, it’s important to have a plan for the other days. A good personal trainer will help you create a plan for those days.  This way, your sessions will be most productive and rewarding.

Do you have a plan?

You’ve already established your fitness and wellness goals with your personal trainer.  Now it’s time to figure out how much time you can realistically devote to them and in what forms of exercise you will undertake.

Setting up this plan is just as important as the exercise plans for your sessions. If your  personal trainer NYC hasn’t already offered one to you, then you need to sit down to talk about one.

You may consider keeping a journal during a normal week.  Then, once completed, do a week in review with your personal trainer.  Also, review your established goals.  As part of this discussion, begin to ask yourself what types of activities you like to do, where and when you may be able to do them, and what other lifestyle or dietary changes you may want to make.  Keep in mind, everything doesn’t have to happen all at once.  You may want to work some changes in, in phases as smaller goals are realized.

It’s important to think about your current lifestyle and schedule.  Breakdown your day and see where exercise can fit into your daily routine.  See if you can identify some activities that may already be considered exercise.  Another possibility is identifying places where slight modifications can create opportunities. For example, in New York City you may be able to walk, or even bike, to work.

Think about how many other days you’ll be able to hit the gym, studio, track, or maybe even the pool and what you aren’t working on with your personal trainer.

Remember, a good personal trainer NYC will take the time to give you a plan for your days away from them.  Why? Your success is their success.  You are a walking advertisement for their methods and focus on your overall health.  If they don’t take the time to help you outside of your sessions, then you may want to find someone who will meet your needs.

In the next article, we will ask more specific questions on what to ask yourself when creating your lifestyle plan.

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