The Bronx Personal Trainer Marketing Magic Pill

by glenn on March 17, 2012

Seriously, out of anyone, you should know better than anyone that there is no magic pill for marketing. Just like there is no magic pill for your clients to get he body they have always dreamed of. Nothing will get done without hard work and perseverance. The key piece is to have a plan and execute it.

I talk to a lot of fitness professionals. Those that smartly don’t just rely on word of mouth for attracting new clients, have tried many of them. I think many trainers expect them to work right out of the box and that is simply not true. If it did work that way, everyone would become a trainer, purchase the product, and go from rags to riches. It isn’t to say that they don”t work, because that is untrue. The simple fact is that you have to learn how to use the product and then actually use it. Once you know how to use it, then you can formulate a plan to use the product’s strengths to promote your business.

The other trick is not to give up to quickly on it. Just because something doesn’t work in the first few weeks, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. If necessary, call the company and tell them what you the issue you are having. The additional insight may spark some additional ideas for your marketing strategies. More importantly, you need to follow through on your plan for a decent duration of at least 6-9 months. You hear the term all the time in sports, follow through. Kickers, basketball players, soccer players, if you want to be successful you need to follow through on your kicks and shots. Marketing employs the exact same.

You don’t just put up a Facebook page and get hundreds of likes. If you send out a Tweet and get a thousand followers. When you put up a website it doesn’t go to the top of every Google search. These are huge efforts and they time and effort. The best marketing that you can do as a personal trainer is give 150% during your sessions and make sure that you have the tools for people to learn more about you. If you are at a session and another person at the gym asks for information, have a one-page document ready to handout in exchange for their contact information. On that handout, be sure to have a place on the internet that you can refer them to learn more about you as a personal trainer Bronx. Something that spells out exactly who you are and your services. Then when you speak again, you can ask what made them ask about your services. It isn’t a stretch and it is a great to get the conversation started.

Remember, marketing of any sort takes time and effort. You can’t expect to fill up your schedule on day one. If you aren’t willing to make the effort, do not expect any marketing to be effective. Find a Bronx personal trainer marketing tool that will offer you a great return on your investment through value built on features and effectiveness.

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