Overcome Obstacles With A Personal Trainer’s Help

by glenn on November 21, 2010

Ask anyone why they started working with a personal trainer and you will get a different answer each time.  Sure they all each want to look and feel better, but deciding to work with a personal trainer is for a bigger reason than that.  For many, there is a quest for something more. A quest to reach beyond what one can do on their own just by going to gym 4-5 days per week.  Breaking through barriers and overcoming obstacles is why many people enlist the services of a personal trainer.

When you first start working with your personal trainer, you’ll complete a health history questionnaire and often an evaluation of your fitness level.  The trainer will use this time to understand you, your limitations, and your comfort zone. This is where your trainer begins to understand your obstacles, both extrinsic and intrinsic. The obstacles you tell your personal trainer NYC about may be easier to conquer.  It’s the ones that you don’t talk about, but rather show through action that may take a while.

You may express concern over having trouble gaining size on your arms or a lack of cardiovascular endurance.  This is information your personal trainer NYC can use to customize and tailor your workout to achieve these goals.  However, they find may that a bigger obstacle seems to be fear.  Fear of doing two more repetitions when your arms are burning, or fear of pushing and sprinting farther and faster than you’ve ever done before.

Whether your obstacles are mental or physical, your personal trainer NYC will do everything possible to breakthrough whatever is holding you back.  Many of the things that can hold a person back.  The job you’ve entrusted them to do is simply more than counting repetitions. Ultimately, you’ve entrusted them to push the limits and boundaries of your comfort zone and expand it.

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