Improve your Marathon Time With Strength Training

by glenn on April 14, 2011

If you are training to run a marathon, and already run regularly, then it╒s important be aware of a common mistake that many marathon runners make during training. Most runners never consider strength training to boost their times, and instead focus on cardiovascular training. While running consistently can help, your muscles need additional strength in order to go faster and improve times for the New York City marathon and half marathons.

But why is strength so important? Emphasizing the endurance portion of training, is not the full picture of what runners need. Too many runners are focused only on mileage and speed, rarely are they focused on strength exercises to improve muscular endurance. The truth of the matter is that your muscles power your entire body. Your muscles can boost you over hills and make quick steps around unforeseen potholes. And let’s not forget the 59th Street Bridge. Without full body muscular endurance, you will never reach the speeds you want for marathon running.  The hills, bridges, and pot holes can bring you to the wall sooner than you’ve expected.

One key reason is the idea of runner’s efficiency.  The stronger your leg muscles are, the less each muscle fiber will have to work to move at a certain pace.  If you can increase the amount of muscle fiber, the work of running a marathon is further spread over those fibers.  Allowing you to run with less effort for a long period of time.  Possibly, even running at a faster pace making for an improved marathon finishing time.  Maybe even a personal record.

The New York City marathon is not the flat and fast course that marathoners dream of on race day. The streets go up hills, over bridges around turns, and through generally tough city road conditions like uneven pavement and potholes. In order for your body to get faster over and around these obstacles, your core and legs need strength training to increase ability to survive an d work through these conditions. A personal trainer NYC can help you understand your muscular needs for the routes included in the NYC marathon and all half-marathons during training, as well as boost your speed through strength training.

In addition, a personal trainer NYC will help you prevent injuries through strength training. Prevention of knee injuries and hamstring problems, which are the two most common problems that runners face, which are mostly caused by lack of proper training and muscular development around the entire body. Strength training at least 3 times per week can shave minutes off of your final marathon time and keep you training injury free throughout. In time you will see that your marathon times are dramatically reduced through more efficient running and increased strength.  You’ll be are stronger and faster than before!

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