Different Environments in The Bronx To Train With A Personal Trainer

by glenn on November 4, 2010

The Bronx is the ultimate runner”s, biker”s, jogger”s, and walker”s paradise. In the middle of the the smallest borough is the huge Van Cortlandt Park filled teeming with tennis courts, soccer fields, and hundreds of miles of trails. Also the park connects to the Westchester County network of paved trails which weave in and out of the county. Personal Trainers NYC flock to the park to conduct individual and group sessions outdoors. The park has several entrances from every direction.

Set in the northern part of the Bronx Pelham Bay Park is easily accessible by subway and bus making it an ideal place to work out throughout the year. Pelham Bay Park beautifully manicured trails, an all weather track, and a plethora of sports fields. A unique feature of the park is the built in fitness equipment placed around the park. Personal trainers Bronx use the public area to train people looking to get in shape and strengthen specific parts of their body while enjoying the great outdoors.

The Bronx is home to one of New York City’s public gem’s the West Bronx Recreation Center. The center is complete with an indoor basketball court for year around exercise and several outdoor fields for working out during the warmer months. This multi-use facility gives personal trainers in NYC a place to train the intense athlete and casually active person. Although the gym can be booked by private organizations or teams, there are schedule times during the day for all residents to use the facility.

In addition to large parks, the Bronx has smaller parks perfect for personal trainers Bronx to provide strength and core session. Many people use the less populated parks for yoga and other stationary workout regimes. Green areas such as St. Mary”s Park, Henry Hudson Park, and Claremont Park can be used for a variety of training purposes.

For those looking to only run or bike, Riverdale Park has a paved path which runs up and down the Hudson for miles. Furthermore the path is cleared year around of snow and debris making it the perfect place for consistent training. To the south the trail connects with the Manhattan West Side Highway bike path.

When the weather becomes unbearable, hiring a personal trainer NYC for in home or gym sessions is always a great way to stay in shape over the winter. The Bronx is home to dozens of parks perfect for the active urbanite.

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