Functional Training

by glenn on February 16, 2011

Functional training is designed so that the person who is exercising is performing the exercise under resistance from a weight in such a way that there is better coordination between the person’s nervous and muscular systems.

For many average athletes they want to do the same exercise routine as their favorite professional athlete and this often leads to injury. However, in functional training designed by a NYC personal trainer the goal is to develop the muscles and nerves during exercise that will directly impact the person’s daily life. This training needs to focus on four aspects of a successful training program. They are power, agility, cardiovascular and neuromuscular.

Exercising for the neuromuscular system isolates particular parts of the body which may be a problem area for the particular exerciser. Targeting these groups involves using the brain to communicate with those particular nerves. It should be done with resistance that is at the right level for the exerciser

Exercising for power involves building strength and speed. The emphasis here needs to be on interval training. The person wanting to achieve better health needs to do short bursts of very fast exercises with a program built by a personal trainer NYC. By doing this type of training the person will increase the balance of joint mobility, increase the flexibility of muscles, increase their balance, increase their speed, and change their body composition. The exerciser will find that their body is changing from fat to muscle. The exerciser will often feel like they have more energy and that they will feel less affected by stress.

Exercising to build agility involves balanced movements while changing speed and direction. The lack of agility often causes injuries because people are not able to move quickly to avoid obstacles. These exercises while done quickly should incorporate a large amount of lateral movement.

Exercising to build your cardiovascular system should include movement of your large muscles in a coordinated manner.  A great program could be designed by personal trainers NYC and should get your heart pumping at a faster rate. It is the exercise that will help you loose the most weight. These exercises should be designed in such a way that your heart reaches its target zone and stays there for an ever increasing amount of time. People often try to perform cardiovascular exercises without incorporating other exercises, which often leads to injury.

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