Is Sleep Affecting My Diet And Exercise Choices?

by glenn on May 14, 2011

No team can win with just one player giving 110%.  Conversely, if one teammate is dragging the team down, it is hard to play your best game.  The same goes for taking care of your body and achieving your fitness goals.  When it comes to our bodies, exercise, diet, and sleep are three teammates we need working together to help us achieve our goal of living a healthy lifestyle.


On average, adults should get between 7-9 hours per night.  The benefits of sleep are plentiful. Sleep helps people make sharper decisions, focus more, improve organizational skills, and increases daily productivity.  If you get a good night’s sleep you’ll wake up invigorated.  However, doing so just once in a while is not going to give you the full benefit.  Develop a consistent sleep pattern including a regular bedtime.  Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed.  Pick up a book to help clear your head of the day’s stresses.


For instance, if you get more sleep you’ll have more energy for things like…exercise! When the body is rested, it wants to be more active and wants to take more action.  We’re not talking about running a marathon, but you may be more apt to taking the stairs instead of the elevator up a few floors, encourage a walk with a colleague, or spend a little extra time in the gym trying some new exercises.


Plus, better sleep can help you make better decisions at mealtime.  There is no meal more important than breakfast.  After a night of not eating, your body is craving a nutritious breakfast.  If you’ve had a good night’s sleep, the decision to have a nutritious breakfast is made easier because you are not exhausted and reaching for what is most convenient.  Eggs are a great source of protein.  Throw some vegetables in them and have a nice omelet with a piece of whole-wheat toast.  Your body will say “thanks a lot!”


If you haven’t seen your primary care physician in a while, that is a necessary starting point.  Get your annual physical taken care of to get a good sense of your current state of health.  You may even learn of a few goals you can strive for before you see your doctor again.  Discuss with your doctor the factors that may be affecting your sleep.  You may find some possible remedies for the situation that can help you jumpstart this effort.  Once you’ve made your decision to make a change, seek the advice of a Bronx personal trainer, Bronx nutritionist, or health coach NYC.  It is important to get moving in the right direction from the first day.




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