pirate kake pipe tobacco

by on April 8, 2023

A must try for the latakia lover . I think I smoked PK as regularly and for as long as I did because it does reveal subtle flavor-facets over the course of both a single smoke and repeated smokes. It is more fun to let others get a taste of something that old. I cannot compare it to the new and there is no way to even attempt to remember what it tasted like that long ago and whether 19 years improved it or not. The smoke is smoothe and leaves a cool yet warm creaminess on your palette for hours afterward. I bought in a half pound of PK and Star of the East a month or so ago and am very happy that I decided to try this beautiful cake. I will comment further when I smoke it again. Pipe Used: Peterson Donegal Rocky 01, MM bent apple diplomat, Purchased From: Habana Port Cigars, Metairie, LA. Since I've bought it, it did mellow out a little and is now quite a pleasant smoke, but I feel there are a lot of better thought out english/balkan blends to spend my time with. It is more expensive, by about $15-20 a pound, but worth it. There, in the breeze, this tobacco really displayed probably what it was meant to be - a wonderfully tasty Latakia based press. Tin note if a face full of campfire and creosote, and love it! Viene con cierta humedad, as que despus de desmenuzar hay que dejarlo un buen rato para que se oxigene y adquiera el punto ptimo. While keeping the flavor and satisfaction in my smokes. I've smoked a decent amount of pirate Kake but realized I have never done a review. Also a great retirement smoke, after spending a day in the upland woods chasing the king of game birds, the ruffed grouse. 56g tin. that just makes this blend too much for me. Glad I gave it a shot and a second try. Highly recomendednot for the faint of tounge or heart. But I stand by that assessment. It lights and stays lit easily, smokes dry and clean with no bite nor moisture. Yes, this blend deserves that much respect. Purchased From: El Fumador - Sewickley, PA. 70 % latakia that should tell you something . Pirate kake is by far the smokiest, most contemplative Latakia blend out there - it tastes great and is perfect for sitting in the cool night air and taking time off from the world. The latakia that Craig uses does have it's own unique taste and room note for whatever reason. Smooth smoke from start to finish! I've only been smoking pipes for about, oh, two months now. Tomorrow I am going to a local pipe store where the pipe club meets (usually two of us) on Sundays from 3-6 and let my compatriot try some. Description. This is one you should try. WARNING: Smokingpipes.com does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. First mistake: too much Latakia. Shopping. I love massive latakia explosions. 3-4 lights to get going. I like Latakia, but this blend gives Latakia a bad name. The smell in the package is very bold and the taste is so bad. It's not unusual to get a two hour smoke out of this combination. The power/intensity of the smoke is impressive as one might expect from such a Latakia-forward blend. I now know why pirates don't have wives. Pirate Kake rates 2 stars. that is dense and smellsof Latakia. A beautifully smokey taste with a sweet background and almost barn sawdust background note that burnt down to the bottom with a beautiful creamy mouthfeel. These traits usually go a long way towards making for an excellent tobacco mixture, but Pirate Kake just doesnt quite do it for me. Latakia heaven. Say no more, but something that seems really important, this mixture has smoke very slowly, leaving cool as possible, but it is not difficult to smoke. It reminded me of smoking a burnt out matchstick or if you were to smoke the smoke off of a meat smoker. Deep dark, heavy, full bodied, musky, smoky and earthy are just a few of the terms that describe this C&D blend. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. Pirate Kake delivers a whopping dollop of 75% Latakia in the blend. I know I like it, but I am not sure if it will always be in my stock. If you like latakia then consider this recommended, at least to try, it's an experience. The nice people (esp. But this one is just waaaaayyy to much Latakia for me. I always welcome this unique cake cut from C&D. Usually right after work. I realized I needed to take this sample and let it sit overnight with a damp towel over a bowl. Performance: A very cool burning blend. Overall a nice smoke. 210 Per OZ Ratings17 $3.29 Put down the 1-Q, step out of the candy aisle of the tobacco world, and enjoy a truly flavorful tobacco. All hands on deck, The blend is like a latakia mouth wash with yes, a very light minty after taste of sweetness. I decided to wait a while to review this one because I kept bouncing back and forth from loving to hating it. perfectly! YA GOTTA TRY THIS. An ode to Cyprian Latakia if there ever was one. Fear not the 75% lati for it is your friend. Slow and careful smoking, as noted, will reveal a more complex flavor character than is on the surface. Where to Buy Its a great product. Black mostly in color with some remnants of what brown tobacco was there. Nakhla is one of the (if not THE) all time kings of the market. This is what this blend is supposed to do so I knew going in I would experience this. It takes a bit of patience to light, but once it gets going it lasts for a very long time. Preparing this one for smoking is a chore. If you are not a fan of a lot of Latakia, take a pass. It puts other heavy latakia mixtures, even Penzance and Old Ironsides to shame. The latter of which adds a nice nutty sweetness to the blend. Not an all day smoke, but it is repeatable. However, there is nothing better than this for Latakia -Lovers. Great for an everyday smoke if you like latakia. Still very good. Pipe Used: Icarus Stubby Apple, Self-Made Magnum Cherrywood. Highly recommended to quite and cold winter nights. The strong Latakia flavor basically wipes out any hint of the other tobaccos. I'll have to smoke more, but I've found my new favorite at the moment. After a few puffs on this, I'm bored. The burly and Orientals are there to round it out a bit but the star is the smoky lat. As a former cigar smoker this was right up my ally. It's surprisingly sweet and well balanced for such a wallop of latakia. As an additional note, this does have an appreciable nicotine hit for a lat blend, so those smitten with lat, but also requiring more nicotine, may find this to be the perfect solution. I will be stocking up on this heavily. Very smooth with little, if any bite. The body of the smoke approaches medium but doesn't seem to ever get there completely. It comes in a plug which I tore apart and put in an air tight jar, like the large ones sold on this site. It's complex because latakia in itself is complex, and you can taste this fine leaf without any bitterness from less than premium leaf or obstruction from too many other flavors. All rights reserved. this one is a big one , with strengh and interesting flavours , it needs a quiet ambiance to aassess its extent ; one of my favorites. Whilst very heavy with Latakia it sips light and smooth, not at all like the Latakia laden English and Balkan blends I'm more familiar with. It gets one dimensional thru the bowl, in that Latakia dominates the experience and ultimately numbs the senses too much. JD and Beau sit down every week and talk about the rich history and elegance of pipe tobacco, the custom blends found only at the Country Squire, as well as general shop talk. It burns surprisingly well for a big latakia mixture and it smokes so cool youll wonder if your pipe is even lit. If you like Latakia, try this anyway as it is exceptionally wondeful example of the fact that a predominantly Latakia blend can be heavenly. Smoked in a new Missouri corncob to understand better the flavors and subtleties. Despite being 75% latakia I was easily able to pick out the oriental tobacco. I must say that I was surprised at the smoothness of this blend considering its very high latakia content. I think Craig Tarler must have been some kind of wizard to pull this off. I have not had the need to dry mine out and it smokes exceptionally cooly and dryly. That being said, I wouldnt recomm end this to a Latakia newbie, I think itd be way too much. I think I have hit the same result as the Dolly record. And this from a lady who smokes Balkan and English blends herself. Mild nicotine. I'd say it's complex, but not like Penzance or a GL Pease latakia. Or, at least I thought so. Update 01/19/06- One thing that wasn't put in my original review is that Pirate Kake is a wonderful DGT tobacco, in fact sometimes I think I prefer to smoke it after a few hours left in the pipe. It was rare for me to pick out anything but the lat. I think a 5% more of it and it would be a really great blend! Cornell & Diehl Pipe Tobaccos include hundreds of blends made in the US with top-quality leaf from all over the world. A Latakia lover's treasure. Put a pinch in a very large bowl of mature Virginia and youll have something nice, but by itself its just nasty. This was not a very complex blend regarding variance in flavor, but it was a good smoke. Goes well with the black rum, or maybe a stronger stout or IPA. First light I tasted heavy notes of campfire, wood, earth and sulfur. A C&D pressed tobacco, it rubs and packs easily. Taste wood, mildly sweet, some floral and smokey earthy flavors. Right behind were the first mates of a mild earthy and mild woody flavor that played well together and led a balance assault upon my senses. This is a rare case of too much of a good thing. Stinky dirt!" No need to worry because we have a winner for Latakia lovers. But at first light was this smooth and beautifully flavorful tobacco ! when the tin was opened but that subsided to the sour apple and plum notes being stronger, especially after transferring to a jar. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. salted leather. Woody sweet, unlike the charisma tic strong and musty sweetness of Cyprian. This will be one of my regular smokes. Then out of nowhere a natural sweetness sneaks up on you. Well, the description states it has LOTS (emphasis theirs) of Latakia, and it does. Disclosure: I was given a free sample of this from smokingpipes.com and I prefer aromatics. Relights are much less frequently on the bottom half of the bowl, in fact, it is burning quite well. I'll also add that this tobacco stays with you for a long, long time. I taste at least three different alternate flavor notes as different sized chunks of tobacco burn. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco. It has a herbal/ clove undertone to the smokiness that I get in Syrian Latakia. I would not call this blend monochromatic like some have, as the flavor is somewhat complex at first, but it does tend to level out afterwards. It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. I almost felt as though I was smoking a straight bowl of latakia. It does have, as others have mentioned, quite a punch but is great for when I am in a contemplative mood. This is for those dirty pirates!!! Did I say there was a lot of Latakia in this blend?? Ahoy! It is a pretty cool baccy. I can smoke several bowls in a row and enjoy its very full flavour. A wonderful tobacco. The aftertaste is yummy smokey incensy latakia. I can't truly call it an English blend (even a Lat-Bomb English), but I like what it does. I really want to like it, but it's too strong. I just can't say enough about this tobacco except, try it for yourself, it is pure heaven!!! Hadnt been a fan of too many english blends but after getting this in the mail today, i have to completely agree with these other comments. I managed to fumble a piece and I managed to drop it and it shattered like glass. Other than many expect, Latakia is a very low in nicotine and tongue friendly tobacco which is very strong in taste, though. Lataika bomb. It really is. Historic volume and value sizes, company and brand market shares. This is the first latakia blend that i try, and i'm lucky this be the first and my favorite blend. The oriental component is actually very noticeable. And that is how i know i have a 5 star smome on my hands. Indeed smoking of this tobacco is a spiritual experience! Let me tell you "Deadmen tell no tales" I recommend it only because nothing compares it. Yowza!!! Its taken to long to write this. But as you go deeper the Latakia conquers the palate bringing with it an intensely rich, savory and smoky flavor. I could maybe see this in my rotation, or as a treat when I have a little time to enjoy a pipe on a lazy morning, but can't see myself smoking this daily. This cake should hold together nicely as it ages in the Ball jar. If you enjoy latakia forward blends that bring hints of incense, I do highly recommend this one. I love laktakia, oriental bases, but the excess of Laktakia made this blend somewhat bland after a 50 gram tin. Just received it in the mail. This powerful, Latakia laden stuff breaks up easily. This blend is LOADED with it for sure, and there just isn't any other way to put it. The kake breaks apart really easily. The orientals make a nice showing with a nice spicy finnish. Note: not for young smokers - this tobacco requires however some experience! Absolutely no indication of bite even when puffing vigorously. It joins a favorite list and while it wont be a regular part of my rotation I definitely will smoke it when I need something different in my smoking rotation. This is a fantastic Latakia smoke! If you love latakia this is for you. This has become my regular go to mix : 50% C&D Pirate Kake and 50% Latakia. Posted by Peter Fenerlis on 26th Apr 2022, GREAT TIN SMELL EVEN BETTER SMOKING AND ALSO SMOOTH. Recommended for Latakiaphiles. The Kake easily breaks apart, easily rubs out. Una carga de latakia sabroso acrecentado por el burley y un ligero sabor de oriental que hacen de esta mezcla una obra de arte sublime, es lo mximo en sabor de latakia que he probado, para m es el tabaco de cabecera, todo fumador debera de probar esto por lo menos 1 vez en su vida, aunque no sea amante de latakia yo creo que tras probar esto cambiaria de opinin. If their is a smoother English out there, I have yet to find it. Firstly, this tobacco is a Lat Bomb and definitely only for latakia afficionados. I like latakia but this blend goes above and beyond. Still I find it a smoother ride than say Star of the East or Pease's Gaslight.. Ill taste Latakia for awhile after smoking this, but thats not to say its an unpleasant smoke. We got ourselves reacquainted. Tastes smoky with mineral overtones. It's Latakia in overwhelming amounts. Taste like how it smells. I know it says there is some orientals in there, but I don't know. A nice Latakia bomb. Okay, Have you every chewed on a bit of boot leather? Smoke a bowl in the morning and you will taste it all day. I've been smoking english blends since the mid 90's. Well, Pirate Kake brings back fond memories of mother dear stewing daddy?s boots in the hard winter of ?78. What I do like also is that with the cake form, there is far more tobacco there in that cake than you'd think, once prepared you need much less than you originally thought. Just a great meaty smoke. I'm a big latakia fan, but this was even too much for me. Good sturdy blend for those afternoons/evenings when you want to slow down and count your dubloons, leathery campfire notes with a hint of spice from those orientals just enough burley to balence the blend out nicely. The tin aroma is that of hay in a barn. Smell also stays on your hands for quite some time after rubbing this out. Psstdon't tell anybody ;). It stank. And, I almost prefer this one, DaVinci's flavor profile is more complex compared to Pirate Kake. All these come to mind when smoking the kake. The overall effect is very good, similar to and in my opinion better than Mississippi River. A classic pipe room note scent that will turn bystanders into tokers. I enjoy a good Balkan or English blend, but not this much Latakia. To order by pound, use multiples of 16. This is the single greatest Latakia blend on the market. I found that rubbing it out gave me the smoke I wanted and took away some of the haggardness of the rum smell. Smells pretty full on on the tin and while smoking. Updated 8/10/12 I've just tried, Engine 99, back to back with, Pirate Kake, both bulks, and I find PK better . I find this to be quite comparable to Penzance. no joke. Take away some of that slightly salty or charcoal Pirate Kake taste! Almost nothing but latakia but nicely laced with cavendish and some Turkish. Worth a try if you love the dark stuff, but be careful with it - it can knock you back. It rubs out easy but it is messy. 2oz Tin. Nice and creamy latakia, indeed. I've been a pipe smoker on/off for a couple decades. Upon cutting the bag the latakia aroma permeated the room and my nose. Heavily features smokey, leathery flavors along with a little bit of sweetness to it. Highly recommend with the caveat that you like a Lat bomb. Smoke it slowly in a 9 mm charcoal Briar Pipe and you will be richly rewarded. This is the Tactical Nuclear Penguin of pipe tobacco - a joke that probably belongs in a Mountain Dew commercial and not in polite company. I like how it smells while burning, and I enjoy smoking it. My 6 year old piece had a nice oily sheen to the eye and a few spots of plume. I got a one ounce sample, and loved the look of it: brownie-like cake (ok, a brownie left out in the sun!) A smooth, robust blend with lots (75%!) This one is just not for me. This blend will definitely make you question what you like to smoke and thats a great thing. I do recommend to those that really like their more potent English blends. The presentation was a cube in the sample I got. I am relatively new to pipe smoking. The result is a kind of monochromatic, but what a great color! The room note is as expected, full Latakia. Immediately I enjoyed it, Latakia amount is high, and tastes excellent. First of all, if you are even on the fence about liking Latakia, you need to hit the "back" button on your browser now and move along. Upon returning to my sun porch I was struck with the room note: as smoky as if one had spent all night tending a charcoal fire preparing a Carolina Pig Pickin'. I took a long filet knife and cut it into 1/4 pound bars. I'm stocking these deep. All in all, a different and unique pipe smoking experience; it will not be in the regular rotation, and I would not seek out again. Pirate Kake is not just a smoke; it is a true religious experience! Sometimes this is the only thing I smoke all day. This is taking condimental overload to the extreme. It's one of my favorite ingredients in any blend. Crumbles up real nice. Similar level of latakia, infinitely more fresh tasting, better overall balance, way more complex. Any pipe tobacco shipped to a New York State address will be subject to the applicable state imposed excise tax (75% over the wholesale . Latakia value on the planet. View All (167) Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 2oz Reviews. Irish Breakfast tea goes very well with this. A rich, smoky and creamy experience. So all in all its a decent no frills smoke. I am a fan of Latakia and do not like a lot of spice. This tin taught me all too well what latakia is. Tobacco is soft and dry. Currently, I'm using this as a blending agent in place of straight latakia. Heavy in each puff but always controlled by the Burley and Orientals, the Latakia seemed almost like a mild perfume that the other two were wearing. Will definitely get more. This is one of my favorite blends, but it is not for a beginner or for one who is a novice smoker of English tobacco blends. For me, the moisture level was right on from the opening of the tin until the bottom of it. Yes its filled with Latakia to the brim, but as mentioned by blenders before, Latakia has this kind of event horizon, where if you use enough of it, its less of a lat bomb than blends with less Latakia. I arrive at the front door of Valhalla, ring the bell and Odin greets me at the door. The age has definitely blended the strong latakia together into the others. Dont get me wrong, its certainly a lat bomb, and smokiness abounds, but its a soft, smooth, mild creamy smoke with a cedar like incense quality. So, for me, this blend is rich, smokey, and spicy with the great flavors from the Turkish that mix very well with the Latakia. I'll order the third tin soon. Comparisons are almost always inadequate and mistakenly imply some presumtion of superiority. This is Lat strong, so if you don't like Latakia, take a pass. The room note is sublime. TobaccoPipes.com. I had been curious to try a "lat-bomb" and this certainly seemed to be held in high esteem by many so I gave it a shot. I received a free sample of this with an online order, and it quickly became my favorite. As you progress, the burley makes its presence felt with a note that reminds of baking bread and rounds the harsh edges of the licorice-like (in looks and taste) black weed.

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