prayer points to destroy the strongman against my marriage

by on April 8, 2023

When a beautiful woman is struggling to see a good man then such a womans destiny has been taken away. Blood of Jesus save my marriage/relationship from quick destruction, in Jesus name. In Jesus name, let every ancestral strongman assaulting me from my birthplace catch fire. In the name of Jesus, I command that any gathering of the ungodly against me, whether physical or spiritual, be scattered. Many families cannot receive deliverance from captivity, because there is a foundational strongman supervising that problems or captivity. DELIVERANCE FROM POWER OF THE GRAVE Prayer for dreams of seeing the DAY 1: PRAYER POINTS TO DESTROY THE STRONGMAN AGAINST MY MARRIAGE, DAY 2: PRAYER POINTS TO DESTROY THE MARINE/WATER SPIRIT STRONGMAN AGAINST MY MARITAL BREAKTHROUGHS, DAY 3: PRAYERS TO NULLIFY THE ATTACK OF HOUSEHOLD STRONGMAN OVER MY MARRIAGE, DAY 4: PRAYER POINTS TO DESTROY ALL FAMILIAR AGENTS AGAINST MY MARITAL GLORY, DAY 5: PRAYER POINTS TO DESTROY THE EVIL VERDICT OF THE STRONGMAN OR STRONG WOMAN CONCERNING MY MARRIAGE, DAY 6: PRAYER POINTS TO RECOVER MY VIRTUES FROM THE STRONGMAN, DAY 7: PRAYER POINTS TO PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER MY MARRIAGE. 4. This is a serious case. Every negative family decision over my marriage, I use the blood of Jesus to scatter it, in Jesus name. 70. In Jesus name, any ancestral strongman who has promised to lead me backward will be crushed to death. 86. One of the things that can trigger the presence of strongman is when a person is making progress, or a person at the edge of miracle. You family foundational bondage affecting and disgracing my life, I terminate and destroy your activities by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus. Any sacrifice exposing me to the evil ancestral powers of my fathers house, die, in the name of Jesus. Battles that began in my life via my family line, I have defeated you today by the blood of Jesus. Perhaps the strongman has actually covered his eyes to see the spiritual side of the woman. Blood of Jesus, flush out every evil blood transferred into my family line, in the name of Jesus. Anything water spirit has given me to eat, receive fire, come out and die; I vomit it out, in Jesus name. No right is given without my recognition. Everything lost to the devil will be restored by God. Every water spirit object in my body, I set you on fire, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. Any part of my body handed over to Satan due to evil dedication, I repossess you back, in Jesus name. Any strongman with evil confidence that is boasting that my marriage will surely scatter, you are a liar, die by fire, in Jesus Name. Download Opera News APP, By 9ja2day (self media writer) | 2 years ago. I command the power of the strongman over my marital life to be nullified by the blood of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, Holy Ghost fire, chop down the idolatry tree in my fathers compound. In Jesus name, I destroy every evil link between me and the ancestral curse that is working against me. Deuteronomy 28:7: The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. O Lord, by Your never-failing power, let all my enemies be disgraced. and then he will ruin his house.Markus 3:22And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and. In the name of Jesus, I declare that my marriage will not be influenced by any ancestral forces. BREAKING THE CURSE OF BARRENNESS - mfmhouston Blood of Jesus, Holy Ghost fire, break and scatter every marine covenant tying down my virtues, in Jesus name. Whenever a person is under the attack of a strongman, he or she would have a diverted destiny. Holy Ghost fire, destroy every wicked activity going on in my foundation that want to hinder me from getting married this year, in the name of Jesus. //12 Violent Prayers Against Marital Delays 100. Every anti-marriage covenant between me and evil strongman, break and release me now, in Jesus name. You family fundamental bondage harming and disgracing my life, I terminate and demolish your operations in Jesus name by the blood of Jesus. Scripture: Lev 26:39 Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers. Any water spirit agents that have slept with and that is affecting me. The problem in my family line that is shaking my marital foundation, die by fire, in Jesus name. Until you recognize the strongman of your marriage, there will be no success in that area. O Lord in your power pull down the evil strongman that is after my marital life, in the name of Jesus. These prayers will result in deliverance and the defeat of every strongman working against your miracle. DAY 3: PRAYERS TO NULLIFY THE ATTACK OF HOUSEHOLD STRONGMAN OVER MY MARRIAGE. 3. Power of God expose every strange person secretly pulling me down in Jesus name. Then it could be that there is a stronghold from unrecognized location responsible for your marital delay. Every strongman attacking me from my place of birth, catch fire, in Jesus name. I plead the blood of Jesus upon the foundation of my marriage, in the name of Jesus. 61. In the name of Jesus, I liberate myself from the grip of any evil strongman. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Whatever my in-law is using to fight me for the purpose of giving up in this marriage, O God arise and fight for me now, in the name of Jesus. I declare that every strongman tormenting your life and family shall fall down and die, in Jesus name. O Lord, let all those who set clever traps for me to fall into, be disgraced today, let their traps work against them in Jesus name. When a family is under the hold of strongman, such family will never experience success, miracle again. volusia county branch jail inmate search Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus, send Your fire against any idol in my community. Thank you Lord for the power in the name of Jesus I worship you because you are mighty in battle, in the name of Jesus. Every foundation of non-achievement afflicting my career, ministry, business, family, I renounce and reject you by the power in the blood of Jesus. I declare this; I refuse to marry my enemy that has determined to show me, in Jesus name. News ), Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. 95. I bind and cast out the marine strongman from the affairs of my relationship or marriage, in Jesus name. 18. Break every blood covenant between me and the ancestral strongman, in Jesus name. I divorce and renounce my marriage to spirit husband and wife, in the name of Jesus. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. 2. I use the blood of Jesus to scatter every evil curse issued against me by the strongman of darkness, in Jesus name. 3. O God destroy every family idol that has replaced you in my life, in Jesus name. 28. Let every work of witchcraft power, be exposed and brought to light, in the name of Jesus. 84. 50 Dangerous Prayers That Bring Restoration In this case, the Lord has given us power to bind and loose the stronghold of the enemy. The strongman will flee in seven ways when your weapon of war are more superior. 43. 4. All the good things that are locked up in the cage, fire of the Holy Ghost, release it unto me, in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I command that any money or currency that links me to an evil ancestor strongman be destroyed. Let all ancestral powers of my fathers and mothers families be consumed by fire. I bind you the strongman working against me in the heart of my husband/wife and all his/her relatives in the name of Jesus. 1. A strongman can prevent a woman from conceive on time or getting married against divine timing. 100 Best Prayer Points Against Strongman In The Family A strongman is a shadowy figure. //]]> 93. 67. I crush under my feet, all the evil powers trying to imprison me, in the name of Jesus. These prayers will bring deliverance and defeat every strongman militating against your miracle. I command your confidence over my life to become useless, in Jesus name. Any voice of thou shall not marry disturbing my life, be silenced by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. In some families, the strongman will enforce a curse of non achievement, miscarriage, rise and fall, losses etc. Holy Ghost fire, cut off all evil people from my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus. Any ancestral strongman that has vowed to take me to take me backward, be crushed to death, in Jesus name. prayer points to destroy the strongman against my marriage Every demonic relationship between me and the strongman of you cant make it to marriage, scatter by fire, in Jesus name. By the power of the Most High, I receive wisdom and new unction to move forward, in Jesus name. DAY 6: PRAYER POINTS TO RECOVER MY VIRTUES FROM THE STRONGMAN. Every enemy of my marital breakthrough that knows about my story, be frustrated by fire, enough is enough, in the name of Jesus. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! Prayers To Destroy Spirit Spouse In The Dream - DreamsWithJoshua 51. 68. Whenever a person is under the attack of a strongman, he or she would have a diverted destiny. Power of God silence any water idol speaking failure and delay to my marital life, in Jesus name. There are different types of strongman. In the name of Jesus, I remove myself from the presence of any family gods of my fathers home. I reject and cancel every curse, pronouncement, spell, enchantment and incantation placed on me by spirit husband/wife, in the name of Jesus. PRAYER POINTS Song: I plead the blood of Jesus. 40 Best Prayer Points Against Demonic Stronghold - Daily Prayers Anything connecting me to marine spirit, break, release me and scatter to pieces, in Jesus name. Every water spirit curses hindering my marital destiny, I set you on fire, break and die, in Jesus name. Then it could be that there is a stronghold from unrecognized location responsible for your marital delay. Anything connecting me to marine spirit, break, release me and scatter to pieces, in Jesus name. The bad spirit behind the strongman makes it destructive. PRAYER POINTS TO DESTROY THE STRONG MAN AGAINST MY MARRIAGEMatthew 12:29Or how can anyone enter a strong man's house and steal his belongings unless he first binds the strong man? Every inherited spirit that is not of God, go, in the name of Jesus. 58. The crown given to me from the water kingdom, Holy Ghost fire, set it ablaze, in the name of Jesus. It is either they are facing the challenges of struggling to love, bear children, progress, or prosper. I use the blood of Jesus to scatter every evil curse issued against me by the strongman of darkness, in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I release myself from all hereditary bonds. The key of my marriage stolen by the strongman or strong woman, be transferred to me, in Jesus name. The problem of my parents will not be repeated in my life, in the name of Jesus. This kind of fight can only be fought spiritually. Wherever my destiny has been caged by family strongman, I command you to be released now by fire, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, any witchcraft practiced under any water against my life shall receive swift judgment of fire and perish. I break and terminate the power and influence of family idols over my life, in the name of Jesus. I withdraw blessing from the strong woman, in the name of Jesus. Get rid of all marine properties(Jewelry, cutex, artificial hair, artificial nail and hand and leg painting, neckless, images, idols, marine carvings, Seductive outfits); benatural and be free. Strongman is a carrier of evil spirit who is after destinies. Jesus said, I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). My Father, in the name of Jesus, let every idolatrous voice of my fathers house harming my grandeur be shattered by fire. Holy Spirit search for the strongman that has ran away with my virtues, in the name of Jesus. Every power saying no to God's yes for my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, cleanse out every evil blood that has been transmitted into my family line. Dear Lord, thank you for the provision of deliverance from those who trouble us. 2. 27. O God of Daniel, reveal all secret things I need to know about this person (mention names), in Jesus name. Father in the Name of Jesus Christ, I thank You for giving me authority over the devil and evil spirits. Psalm 18:44-45 Holy Spirit, I invite You into my prayer altar, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, let any money or currency that links me to an evil ancestor strongman perish. Any witch/wizard hanging their legs on the wall to attend evil meeting for my sake, I gun you down, in Jesus Name. Any familiar strongman in my fathers house or mothers house that is scattering my marriage, Holy Ghost fire, crush them to pieces, in the name of Jesus. prayer points to destroy the marine/water spirit strongman against my marital breakthroughs Scripture: Psalm 18:44-45 Holy Spirit, I invite You into my prayer altar, in the name of Jesus. who plays casey becker in scream. Pray very well and the Lord will take away your blessings from the hands of any stranger that is standing against your marriage. Father, let my lost identity to the devil, be recovered back, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, I invite You into my prayer altar, in the name of Jesus. It is either they are facing the challenges of struggling to love, bear children, progress, or prosper. 1. It is thus told by Jacques de Voragine, in his "Legenda Aurea:" The pains that my parents are experiencing, I will not share part of it, in the name of Jesus. A person under the attack of the enemy would be struggling to have peace with his or her partner. Witches and wizard that want to project me and my partner to their coven for manipulations, die on your way and give up on my case now, in the name of Jesus. I recover my marital destiny lost during sexual intercourse, in the name of Jesus. 100 Prayer Points Against Strongman In The Family - Bible and Prayers 7. All those who are planning to sell my glory to a strange person will be sold into slavery today in Jesus name. I have compiled 10'powerful prayer points Against marriage destroyers. I frustrate every witchcraft exchange of my virtues, in Jesus name. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. Every work of the marine kingdom targeted against me and my marriage, scatter to pieces, in Jesus name. I renounce and break all curses put on my family line and my descendants, in the name of Jesus. Let all ancestral powers of my fathers and mothers families be consumed by fire. Household strongman from the marine kingdom that has taken my glory return it and die, in Jesus name. The Seat Of Household Witchcraft: 1. in Jesus name. 42. Let every battle in the heavenlies be won in favour of the angels conveying my blessings in Jesus name. You that evil strongman rejoicing at my marital problems, receive the stones of death, in Jesus name. In this case, the Lord has given us power to bind and loose the stronghold of the enemy. You that wicked power of my fathers/mothers house, in-laws house, that has vowed to destroy me on my day of glory, you are a liar; die by fire in the name of Jesus. A strongman can make a person lose his destiny to the enemy. We have destiny robber strongman. Prayer Points To Destroy STRONG MAN Against My Marriage (2023) You familiar agentassigned to monitor my marital progress, I set your eyes ablaze and die, in Jesus name. Holy Spirit search for the strongman that has ran away with my virtues, in the name of Jesus. 77. Any bloodshed on the evil altar in order to disgrace me, blood of JESUS silence it, in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I liberate myself from the bonds of ancient evil spirits. Until you recognize the strongman of your marriage, there will be no success in that area. In order to stay away from demonic attack, prayers must be put in place. A strongman can prevent a woman from conceive on time or getting married against divine timing. Matthew 12:29 Somebody that is closer to the person would be collecting the blessings of the person. I spoil and destabilise every satanic plan against my marriage, in the name of Jesus. Every familiar personality in my friends cycle or family line casting sorrow into my life, die, in Jesus name. I bind the spirit of loss associated with my life, in the name of Jesus. I cut off myself completely from every evil strongman against my traditional marriage, in the name of Jesus. Every evil hand laid upon my life because of evil dedication and curses be paralyzed and die, in Jesus name. Every evil hand laid upon my life because of evil dedication and curses be paralyzed and die, in Jesus name. Any form of initiation and dedication to marine river, Village River, Community River expire in the name of Jesus. . O Lord, let everything that gives my enemies strength be taken away today. 15 Best Prayers to Pray Against Your Enemies Blood of Jesus arrest any powers that want me to grow old in my parents house, in Jesus name. catahoula leopard dog intelligence ranking; . Evil strongman of my village that is after my life and marriage, receive fire, fall down and die, in Jesus name. Sample prayer points for dealing with satanic strongholds: 1. 1. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. Every water spirit object in my body, I set you on fire, burn to ashes, in Jesus name. I break every evil link between me and ancestral curse working against me, in Jesus name. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); List Of 100 Best Prayer Points Against Strongman In The Family. O Lord, speak to me first before I accept or reject a mans proposal, in Jesus name. O God, arise and demolish the goliath in my life, in the name of Jesus. From the North, South, East and West, O heavens, let my restoration locate me, in Jesus name. Any part of my body handed over to Satan due to evil dedication, I repossess you back, in Jesus name. Every king or queen presiding over my case in the marine kingdom, or in my village be pulled down and be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Attacks Against Your Life & Family and Release Your Blessing 1.

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