nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes

by on April 8, 2023

Mark:His daughter looking like Taeyong? He'd hate seeing you wear such short clothes, shamelessly showing your body to everyone. Jaemin's Reaction: Protecting His S/O; Jaemin's Reaction: His S/O Has A Bad Day; Yangyang. To be honest I see him pushing you back inside with pink hued cheeks. Until you came over to him people think your not wearing any pants and thats all that really happened. being the kind, gentle person that he is, taeil would be horrified. But I personally roleplay as if it is a fanfic. We are watching a movie, come watch with us! kilos more during pandemic. Obedient Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Bratty Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Hybrid Jisung (Omegaverse. By that, I mean he would be the loudest about it and the most dramatic, bringing un-wanted attention from the members. I do maleXmale, femaleXmale, and genderneutralXmale. He would basically make their live a living hell for a day or two. Someone was mad, youd cry. it doesn't suddenly hit him one day that he fell for you. -The genre I enjoy doing the most is smut personally! Nakamoto (Yuta):His son looked like Jaehyun. Main blog is: Wykynct, NCT DREAM reaction to when you wear revealing clothes. We're going to a party downtown, I should be home around-". (L/N) (Y/N). He found you adorable and just bear-hugged you, almost taking you to the ground. But in all honestly, he would secretly try hard in learning English, convincing himself to keep trying. Thats what I was trying- I was worried about you, you left so late at night but I didnt chase you and I dont know why. So if its not good Im sorry about that. nct dream, you and mark were at a karaoke place. It was a total accident, breaking Seungmins camera.You knew you had to tell him, so you practiced what to say in the mirror for around an hour. Then on certain days, he would take his time to help you learn Korean while you help him learn English, so it would be a win-win situation for both of you. I read 127's reaction and I love your writing Answer: Hello, thank you so much for requesting!! Or both if you would like. Almost upset to the point of tears. Jaehyun:Hm. you know that thrasher hoodie? Promise me. He lifts you up bridal style and lays in bed with you. As I realise a lot of my followers dont really like reading mature stuff and I understand that so therefore Ill be moving that type of stuff on to my other blog. Urghh. "y/n, aren't you cold?" you just laugh but not in a mean way ofc. Then lets get covered up., Kunhang (Hendery): He wouldnt make a huge deal about it, because you probably wouldnt even exit the bedroom looking like that before he stopped you. Ever try any diet? And swearing as always. Really tried to understand from your point of view, why you tried to hide from him. Jealous wayv! Dongyoung (Doyoung): He wasnt too bad in the language, he could speak and understand basic English. Ever try any diet? Ten is a bit naive. Taeil would want to confront you, but didnt want to make it seem like he didnt trust you. of course you took it as a friendly touch, but you understood how it looked to renjun. Im sorry okay., Hiii! Not that he would ever in a million years admit to that. His expression went soft when he heard you cry and he looked at the food.*sigh* Get back here please! thank you for requesting. gets a little jealous of every male that looks at you. NOO WHAT EVER DO YOU MEAN! Stop cryingg~ *kiss*, God, your pure soul melts me.. Im so sorry it took so long! Did you just tell ME no? You gulped, playing with your fingers. With a feeling of regret, he ran up to your shared room, knocking profusely. I like it. yeah can I um have it back?, dont worry though, hell offer you another hoodie of similar size and style and almost melts when you get excited over it. A/n: my heart bust an uwu this is a cute request, day 3 of the posting everyday for a week celebration :)) . M, WAYV reaction when you wear revealing clothes, Requested? Taeil: When he saw you walk into the practice room with a croptop/tanktop that slightly showed your bra/stomach and short-shorts on, his eyes widened. Its crazy, gonna tell Jungwoo! He didnt think anything was going on between you two, he just believed it was a coincidence. -The moment you appeared in front of him at a the fan sign, he immediately had the urge to be close to you. Maybe its time to train you, huh?, Han Jisung:He tried to scold you, he really did. jisung, haechan, jaemin. So expect that! She doesnt even look like she is wearing shorts. he asked if you had a crush on him. Thats the exact reason this fight started in the first place. He found it funny when youd try to hesitantly explain the word to him, not knowing he already knew what it meant. NCT DREAM reaction to when you wear revealing clothes, Requested? This is also not proof-read. Dont they have like the same features!? by Hana000000888899999. I literally just wrote it because I kind of forgot about it But anyways thank you for liking for writing . nct dream-when they catch you and mark making out renjun. Then he saw you, well first heard your high heels echoing down the stairs. And swearing as always. He'd hate it when you wear tight shirts that marked the outline of your chest, leaving very little to imagination. Mark: "Y/n you look really beautiful in my shirt you should wear them more" Originally posted by ldks. -You Wearing Revealing Clothes Around Other Members. You thought maybe Hongjoong fell asleep, he probably didnt care that you walked out at almost midnight, it wouldnt surprise you. Not that he would ever in a million years admit to that. "that's just how he is. Hongjoong shook his head Im not going to fight with you no more. You are the only one who is shocked ever.N-no-, Dongyoung (Doyoung): He wouldnt really notice. Yes, Im a bit..Upset. Mark squeaked at the sentence, skin flushing a deep crimson at the thought of bringing the toy with him on tour, and felt a wicked smile press against his skin at the reaction. Annoying but cute, is basically what you thought. When youd talk, he would sometimes get lost in the conversation, but try his best to answer back in English. Just ask!) Yandere!NCT 127 | Finding Their S/O Hiding From Them. your lucky Im tired if not I will still be walking around. So finding you hiding in the garage just earned a very long stern talk, ontop of an hour long time-out. Thats the exact reason this fight started in the first place. Couldnt understand why you didnt love him the way he loved you. Hi sorry it took so long!! But before he could get a word out, you were crying him a river.BabyPlease calm down. He cooed, wiping the tears. Then, DM/PM this account and tell me about yourself and/or your OC. it was obvious that Kun didnt want you in his life. NCT REACTION what they would do if you flinch away from them. I got Mindblown like every stage! You being scared of him to the point of hiding broke his heart to pieces. Baby baby! I-I was scared You admitted, making him shake his head and grip your shoulders, staring into your eyes with a soft look. in fact fell is the wrong word. A/N: This is not proofread so be aware of writing mistakes :) I hope you enjoy!! Anonymous said: can I request nct dream and WayV reaction to you wearing revealing clothes? Sorry, its just my members dont need to see you in this way. Which was basically never. Go downstairs and sit down at the counter, Ill be down in five.. They met through JYP Entertainment! Naturally, you move onto your jeans. Hah!. Sicheng (WinWin): He liked it, he liked hearing the language and found it calming when you spoke. Yeah you were wearing little clothing than usual, but its still you? Do you know its rude to stare, especially at someones girlfriend/boyfriend? Probably screams "YOU'RE SO CUTE, SO SMALL MY JAGI" at least 4 times a day and never fails to give you a pinch on the cheek when he sees you everyday. LISTEN TO make me go by twice. Why dont you dress like this all the time!!. Of course hed like you dressing like that, just not if its infront of his members. do you want my jacket? He asked again, opening his car door for you. So when you came outside in them he didnt even care, not noticing how minority of his members were looking at you, thinking you Werner wearing any pants under the over size shirt. Okay?. NCT Reactions *Finished* Milk Boi. -Its fine if you want to change the age of yourself to be older than Jisung/Changbin. When one of your friends messaged you saying she is having a bachelorette party, you were excited. He puts his hand on your thigh. This is mafia AU if that makes you uncomfortable please dont interact. Doyoung:His daughter looked like Sicheng, in his eyes anyways. He would find it cute and super funny when having Korean lessons with you, doing his typical loud, laugh-clap when youd pronounce something super wrong, especially if you made it sound like a dirty word on accident. When one of your friends messaged you saying she is having a bachelorette party, you were excited. Hed probably lock you in his room and not let you leave until two weeks was over. I-I just noticed how much he really do-I cant believe you assume Im having an affair! Nct Dream reaction to you wearing their clothes . I see I have gotten a decent amount of requests and I will get to them eventually. "At least you'll have your going away present if you miss me," Yuta teased, nipping at Mark's earlobe. If not thank you xx. Its hard for me to even vote because when I watch their stages Im like shit now who the hell do I vote for. Can I request mafia!wayv getting jealous after a arranged marriage?? Nor would Y/N. He realized that Mark was right, and it was probably a coincidence.Hey sweetheart. This is also mafia au so if that make you uncomfortable do not interact. Please !! -Do not worry about replying immediately. "just stay." I cant even choose which group have the best performance. You do not have to have both Changbin AND Jisung at the same time, you can one or the other. Main blog is: Wykynct. He is just so used to you wearing bicycle shorts around his house, because thats what made you comfortable. Occasionally I might get writers block and not know what to respond with right away LOL. For me? I need time to think.Next time, hell learn to shut his mouth. Youre too nice and thats bad. His son was his and he was very confident with that claim. Keep pulling this and you will earn yourself a punishment little one. H-huh? Promise me right now baby boy/girl.Good. They are the ones being penetrated or whatever. I'm so sorry. Which was basically never. You are the love of my life. Jisung ran his hand through your hair in a comforting way.Keep away from my weapons, okay? No one else could tell him otherwise, unless they had complete evidence that was all true. Taeyong: He would gape when he saw you come into the practice room, dripping in sweat from dancing yourself. You confirmed his belief after you were also shocked and laughing. Originally posted by kunxxxsol. It could be a really long reply or a decently short reply. He actually wasnt too bad at it, he had a good pronunciation, just didnt know a lot of words or understand some. ), Build A Changbin (Give CB any personality you want, whatever kinks you want, however tall you want,etc!). He'd hate it when you wear such tempting short skirts, exposing your bare legs like that. You would try to teach him English, and he would try to teach you Korean, but youd both just end up dying laughing and give up. Do you understand now?Good. Cmon man, you know I would never do that to you. He didnt get mad nor annoyed, just a little frustrated because it took him around twenty minutes to find you. I want you to always be safe, thats why I keep you locked away in the house! Haechan:To be honest, it just started a screaming match after he confronted you, looking very angry.I CANT BELIEVE THIS, YOURE CHEATING ON ME WITH JOHNNY! ), Obedient Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically), Bratty Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically), Hybrid Changbin (Like Omegaverse. just went w it. But after he calmed down a bit, hed sit next to you and try to understand why you hid. Your tanktop was basically see-through and the members staring at you didnt help his case. Nct Dream Reaction to You Coloring Their Tattoos Mark: "You have got to be kidding me." He deadpanned as he saw you walk towards him with a bucket of markers. I could really use it, my treat~!, Haechan: He wouldnt like it. Kun only just got home, taking of his blazer, chucking over the sofas back. He gulped, lightly kissing your forehead.ItsIts okay. Having enough of being alone in a big house, you decided to go out for the night, let loose at least. You felt your bottom lip start to wobble, hands shaking. You knew he was looking at you, though, as his game . He got you whatever food whatever you wanted, whatever show, whatever clothes. Kun stood at the door way watching as you hoped in a car full of already drunk girls. jenofun is a whole smiley mess when he sees you show up in his WHOLE tracksuit, he cant handle how hot you look honestly and is really blushy bc you didnt even run it by him you just showed up lookin like a snack, jeno definitely took the chance to show you off and give you a million and a half kisses which made you really flustered, you were almost the same red as the tracksuit you were wearing, which btw was a couple sizes too big so the sweater paws were real, ever since then jeno just gives you whatever item of clothing you ask for from his closet, full sun is flattered that you love his clothes and all but giRL thats his favorite Michael Jackson shirt, lowkey though he wasnt mad about it??? I ONLY do bottom/sub Changbin and bottom/sub Jisung. ! He whined, hugging you from the front so no one could see your beauty, while you laughed at him with the members. Something was cute, youd cry. Nct reaction to them walking on you changing part 3 -Requests open- Part 1 Part 2 Renjun: I think renjun would be cute about it. Now the button. Dont worry, you can dress as revealing as you want when we get home., YoonOh (Jaehyun): He would kinda just look down, face palming and laughing when you showed up like that. I always thought he looked like you, especially his eyes.Seriously? Im so ridiculous he spoke and all you could do was nod at him. can I request nct dream and WayV reaction to you wearing revealing clothes? ?, Jeno: He would smile cutely at you, trying to ignore the choice of clothes you picked. I need you to go get 10 cold waters. It was only your second week with him and you were still a scared little puppy, getting used to its owner. Tell me who you want to RP with, Changbin or Jisung. I just need you to tell me when youre going to the garden or anywhere like that. I read 127's reaction and I love your writing, Hello, thank you so much for requesting!! Jisung: goes through about 5137492 emotions and reactions in 30 seconds. "Y/N, come on," he responds annoyed. Ive never actually been on a diet.And I know when quarantine happened I gained weight and now Im too lazy to try and loose it!! What surprised him even more was the fact that you were wearing revealing clothes. You didnt think you had to warn Kun you were going, hence him ignoring you every given chance. You wouldnt.Y/N! Not really, I mean maybe the smile- WaitAre you saying what I think youre saying! This is complete fiction, my imagination. -Please do not spam me. he never ever wants to scare or hurt you and i think he would be so sad that you could ever think he was even capable of that. he loves seeing you in his clothes! !, *It wont let me add another gif, so lets imagine a cute Sichengie UWU*. BUT I will do basically anything else (EX: BDSM, DDLB/MDLB/CGL, Ageplay, petplay, omorashi, etc etc. He asked all the members, excluding WinWin, if they saw it too. It'd make him sad for obvious reasons There'd be a point where you'd want the old Doyoung back. To begin roleplaying, just like and reblog this post. You nod a bit well change if its out of your zone of comfort but you like it you smile but he drops his. There was no denying that he was more than a little flustered by the little clothing you wearing and your dancing. it just screams to anyone that sees it that youre his, and also he likes it because it also proves it to himself, that someone as amazing as you is actually his s/o, cause he sometimes has trouble believing hes, asks you why you dont wear your own clothes, and asks if you have any, whines and claims he was going to wear that shirt, and so that you dont notice how the sight of you walking past him in his shirt caused him to die in his game, but its not his fault its just you look so amazing in his clothes that its distracting, like jeno he finds any excuse for you to wear his clothes, doesnt wait for you to need something to wear, but the smile on his face when you put it on makes you want to only wear his clothes for as long as you live, every time you put on his shirt when he offers it he cant help but just think that this is all he wants, just to have you with him, wearing his clothes, and loving him as much as he loves you, becomes the human form of the heart eye emoji, carries on talking/doing what he was before, but just with a growing smile on his face, immediately grabs his camera/phone to take a million photos of you, his favourite photo of you is the one that he has saved as home screen, and its you making pancakes in the morning, smiling down at the pan dressed in his shirt, it makes him smile and think of how lucky he is to have you every time he opens his phone, like renjun he makes a note of which shirts you like to wear the most, and leaves them for you when he goes away on tour, or offers you them when youre having a bad day or need one to wear, subconsciously buys hoodies and shirts that are a similar shape/style so that he knows youll wear it, has a folder titled <3 in his phone of you wearing his shirts and clothing in general, goes through it any time he misses you and it always puts him in a better mood, but nothing brightens his mood like facetiming you and seeing you in his clothes, he swears in that moment he falls in love with you all over again, and then would not be able to stop himself from smiling, his eyes follow you literally everywhere you go, hes would find his so distracting cause youre practically announcing to the world that youre his, even though the only ones who sees this are him and daegal. Go GO~!, Chittaphon (Ten): He would be teaching the dance to his members, helping them get it right when you walked in. Well that did raise some questions. Johnny -pool party with friends. But all of them said no. Reaction - you wearing something revealing - 127. I just feel like he would stare at you. that may be the moment chenle knows hes set for life, but he wont be so obvious and instead accuses you of stealing his clothes, and just offers to buy you a store of shirts instead, but his entire defence melts off him when you say to him, and kiss you on the nose to see you smile, doesnt know what power youve got over him, but hes okay with it since you make him happier than hes ever been, goes through about 5137492 emotions and reactions in 30 seconds, blushes and gets nervous and cant remember what he was going to say, then looks at how his shirt looks on you and is just filled with so much love, then cant stop smiling because youre so beautiful and youre his s/o and hes, and then gets nervous again cause it hits him that its, and this circle repeats for quite a while, he eventually comes to settle in a general state ofi love you, pulls on the shirt slightly and raises an eyebrow while smiling, pouts at your reply until you laugh and wrap your arms around him, mr confused bilingual is so shook when you surprise him, he would have literally no idea that you were even learning, he probably initially responded in the same language, not quite registering that it isnt the language you normally speak in together, when it finally sinks in, he just pauses exactly where he is, and slowly turns towards you with that wide eye stare he does when shocked, is taken aback as to how much you already know, and promises to do his best to help you learn more if you want, really likes being able to switch between both languages with you, since he does that a lot already, hes now not as worried about accidentally excluding you from the conversation, sometimes switches to see your progress and give you any tips he can, is a quiet supporter but everyone can see hes immensely proud of you, so mark is absolutely terrified to tell yuta, literally waits for as long as he can until you force him to come clean, as soon as he finds out yuta just goes as intimidating as possible, and literally stars mark down with a death glare, eventually you calm him down although mark is now scared for his life, so mark immediately tries to show yuta just how much he loves you, and once yuta sees that, mark begins to relax around him again, these two arent gonna sit down and talk about it, rather have a mutual agreement to keep their friendship and your relationship separate, yuta literally brings you everywhere with 127 and if fans ask, you just came to see your brother, but in reality he lets you spend the whole time with mark, honestly, considering how busy mark is, yuta doing this is probably the reason that the two of you made it through some rough patches, mark feels a bit awkward talking about your relationship with yuta but is still eternally grateful that yuta helps you two so much, realises that yuta cares about you both and will do literally anything for you to be happy, cant look you in the eye for a week while he figures out if this is real or not, just wouldnt know what to say so he avoids you slightly, then you walk into the practice room, armed with food and you make eye contact, he watches as you smile at him and when he cant stop himself from smiling back, he just stops in his tracks, everybody somehow melted away into the background and it was as if you were all that mark could see, greets you with a hug and is very aware of how hard his heart is beating, immediately offers to carry the food for you and hands it out to the other members, like subconsciously sits next to you and finds himself always standing near you, this does not go unnoticed by the boys who definitely question him about it and when mark says he doesnt realise he was doing it, the teasing begins all of them screaming about how mark was in love, his was completely in love with you and nothing could take that away from him or wipe the smile off his face. Here, go in my bag over there, and take one of my tanktops to change into and a sweat rag. He softly said, handing you a cold water. Please dont hurt me o-or any of my family! Changbin just chuckled, gripping your face as he passionately kissed you.You just kissed back, sniffling.

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