revelation 19 explained verse by verse

by on April 8, 2023

Verse 11 . The battle joined. Yet grace despised necessarily ends in judgment. What is this name? It has been remarked by another, and justly, that the expression "they shall be priests of God and of Christ" summarily puts out of court the interpretation that supposes a figurative resurrection. faith during the Tribulation (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zech. These compose the same group as (in 7:11), and are associated with worship Who were they? Verse 3. "That day" does not mean a time when everybody will be converted, but when the Lord Jesus will govern righteously when overt evil will be judged, and good be sustained perfectly for a thousand years. And it appears to me that here we are bound to account for the presence of these others that are at the marriage-supper of the Lamb, but appear as guests, and not at all in the quality of the bride. Here is most likely the multitude of the angels, first in the Te Deum of praise. He is praised for judging religious Babylon and avenging the martyrs. Jesus at the Last Supper said that he would not again drink of the cup until he drank it new in his Father's kingdom ( Matthew 26:29). This is of great importance. They would have a big dance and party, as they would crush all of the grapes, they would get the juice out of them. Man gets hung up and he stops short. 14:1-3; 1 Thess. But the church consists of souls called out from the earth, and is not of the world: consequently to the church the time is always at hand. It is not into a wilderness the prophet is carried, but he is set on "a mountain great and high," and shown not the great, but. "And the dead were judged," but not out of the book of life, which has nothing to do with judgment. and the fullness of the Gentiles will be brought in. Next comes the marriage of the Lamb to his bride. "And the nations shall walk in the light of it." Revelation Chapter 19 Explained - Have we not all heard of the balance of power? With a rod of iron he shall break in pieces all their substance, He shall destroy the godless nations with the word of his. for they are singing a song that includes mention of salvation. If Christianity does not bring joy, it does not bring anything. of all sorts of jewels when he represented God to the people; but when he went Revelation 19 is the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation or the Apocalypse of John in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. What does Revelation 19:3 mean? | supreme in authority, and "God", which means supreme deity; you have an The rebellion that had begun in the Garden of Eden is finally ended. occasion and the downfall of Rome, is said to be "great" partly because of their One of the great dangers of being in any kind of ministry where God is using you, one of the great dangers of exercising any spiritual gift, is that people so often look at the instrument that God uses. corrupted and destroyed them in soul, body, and estate. Reuchlin. And I saw an angel standing in the sun ( Revelation 19:17 ); You can't do that unless you are an angel. "The second coming of Christ is an absolutely essential theme in New Testament theology. Clearly the same saints whom we have seen first set forth by the elders in heaven, subsequently by the elders and the living creatures, next, by the bride and the living creatures at the marriage-supper, and finally by the armies that followed the Lord out of heaven. Here is one of the most dramatic moments in the Revelation, the emergence of the conquering Christ. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 22 Revelation 19 - EasyEnglish Bible (EASY) This may suffice for Revelation 18:1-24. It was not uncommon for a monarch to wear more than one crown in order to show that he was the king of more than one country. One of our pastors, Imad, spent some time in the Egyptian jail. All the dispensational names of God disappear. The New Testament is the "last will and testament" of Jesus, and to God accounts my faith for righteousness. When What I judge, then, is that the guests, or those that were called to the marriage-supper of the Lamb, refer clearly to the Old Testament saints. There is a contrast with the scarlet and gold of the great harlot. His eyes are a flame of fire. rule . All believers in 22:2-14; John 3:29; 2 Cor. (i) In certain circles of Judaism the angels had a very large place. Revelation 19:5 (1) And a voice came from the throne, saying, (2) "Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great." 1. [Note: E.g., M. Eugene Boring, Revelation, p. 195; and Wall, pp. Revelation 19 begins with a multitude in heaven singing a doxology to God. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). Are we then to understand that the elders and the living creatures are together taken absolutely as the bride now? As far as the display of government goes, it is according to God morally, and for His glory, though I deny not for a moment that there are elements of evil which are never allowed, but kept under if not expelled. Here it is the positive worship of the creature besides the Creator, yea, and notoriously more than He. That is, Satan will be the spring of its final rise and power; he, and not God in any way whatever, will give it its character. true sayings of God.". "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is an eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth unto destruction." The application to old pagan Rome is harsh and purposeless enough; but the attempt to refer it to Jerusalem is of all schemes the most absurd; for, far from being borne up by the imperial power, Jerusalem was trodden down by it. At the moment of this vision, the conflict is already over; only the judgment remains to be executed; the issues which were long ago determined are here to be revealed and executed in the final judgment of all people. The marriage of the Lamb and the marriage supper of the Lamb "in heaven" Like Hosanna ( H3467 + H4994 and G5614) it is one of the few Hebrew words which have established themselves in ordinary religious language. And on his robe, and on his thigh, he has a name written--King of kings and Lord of lords. Therefore be zealous and repent. This is the We noted the first appearance of a WHITE HORSEMAN in chapter 6:2. It is a description, and not one of the visions that carry us onward. Revelation provided a message of hope: God is in sovereign control of all the events of human history, and though evil often seems pervasive and wicked men all powerful, their ultimate doom is certain. Jeremiah hears God say and appeal: "Return, O faithless children, for I am your master" ( Jeremiah 3:14). Can anything be less reasonable (even taking that ground, low as it is) than that the various rulers of the western powers, Catholic kings, join the Pope in destroying his own city, or his own church, whichever Babylon may be made? In Christianity you have a God that is reaching out to man. It was a unit of energy charged with power. Let others speculate, if they will: I am persuaded that he who essays to conceive the details is merely striving to draw a bow beyond the power of man. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for night shall not be there. "I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God" (alluding to this very city) "[is] with men." The marriage feast will take place on earth following Christ's return with the It is suggested that it is on the skirt of his general's cloak, for that is where it would be easiest to read on a horseman. The abusso or abyss is probably in the very center of the earth, because it is called and correctly translated "bottomless pit." Clearly, therefore, it is future. First, "I saw thrones, and they sat upon them." Praise in heaven. Thus (without speaking of the resurrection of the wicked at the close) there were certainly more acts than one, not to speak of the two witnesses put to death and caused to rise after three days and a half, when the spirit of life entered them, and they not only arose, but went up to heaven, as we know. Such is the meaning of the verse "The rest of the dead lived not again till the thousand years were finished. First, he came from a world in which there were many gods--Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Aphrodite and the rest, What was easier than to keep the old gods in the form of angels? The bride breathes out this word to the bridegroom; and the Holy Ghost it is that gives strength to her desire that He should come. [shepherd] . "The dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." On the head of the victor Christ there are many crowns to show that he is lord of all the kingdoms of the earth. "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood." Commentary on Revelation 19:11-21. Why did the angel tell John not to do this? Revelation. There will be here upon the earth millions of people who have gathered together to war against Him at His coming. Here we have the purely Jewish idea of the Word of God. 16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. *It is the aorist in Greek, which in such a case as this it is difficult correctly to represent in English; for neither "reigned" nor "hath reigned" could convey that God had entered on His kingdom, but rather that it was past. The events that are described within its pages were written for us today. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Revelation 19. Not so. "And he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself." In the Testament of Dan ( Daniel 6:2) the angel who intercedes for men is mentioned. because of the number of people speaking. Accordingly the resuscitated Roman empire will carry men away by a storm of wonder at its revival. We will in that day when He returns and all of the vast military might of the world gathered and assembled together to destroy Him at His coming and He just speaks the Word and it is all over. The picture is not of an "iron rod" he uses to "club" or beat his sheep! . The so-called Battle of Armageddon, as usually conceived, is nothing but man's imagination. It will be a state of nature unexampled for the fruits of the earth and the enjoyment of all that God has made here below. Nothing has yet been said of the fate of Satan, but now we go on to see that fate. But when the conquering Christ comes, his power will be exercised in justice. I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God ( Revelation 19:1 ): The judgment of the earth, as far as God's wrath being poured out, has been completed on Babylon. The temple would suppose a medium. You have to accomplish certain works in order to be accepted by God. 19:9-10a And he said to me: "Write! It was ruled in general that the worldly powers were ordained of God. Return to Home Page Bride. All the dead are there who had not part in the first resurrection. Thus there is a completeness and perfection about it suited to its present character. 11:2; Eph. for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy ( Revelation 19:10 ). The only right principle in everything is to go to the source of divine truth, and to seek there refreshment and strength and fitness for whatever our God calls us to. ceremony); The marriage of the Lamb: The wife or bride of Christ is the church (Matt. And yet in such times John calls God pantokrator ( G3841) . But he ought to have withstood it I do not mean in vengeance (for that belongs to the Lord), but as holily hating the sin itself, yet withal in the deepest compassion for his parent. The multitude in heaven praises God for judging the great whore (Babylon, the The weapons of his warfare--A sharp sword proceeding from his mouth (Revelation 19:15; Revelation 19:15), with which he smites the nations, either the threatenings of the written word, which now he is going to execute, or rather his word of command calling on his followers to take a just revenge on his and their enemies, who are now put into the wine-press of the wrath of God, to be trodden under foot by him. This brings in idolatry, real shameless idolatry too, not merely that subtle working of the idolatrous spirit that every Christian has to guard against. It cannot be done till the moment comes. Revelation 6 Verse By Verse Bible Study Guide With Discussion Questions Further, after this Jesus introduces Himself, as well as sends His angel. He spoke these things into existence; the power of the Word of God.If we would only realize the power of the Word of God. Before God we have that which is found only by and in Christ, which is another and a higher character altogether as compared with the righteousnesses of the saints. If you'd like to financially support VBVMI, please do so here. A mystery clearly points to something undiscoverable by the natural mind of man a secret that requires the distinct and fresh light of God to unravel, but which when revealed thus is plain enough. There is, however, a great deal more than this on the subject, and given with great precision in scripture, because this is merely the principle of sin in one or other form from the beginning. It is a time of strong delusion, be it remembered. There was never a time in history in which such forces were drawn up against the Church as when the Revelation was written. Gods sovereignty (verse 6); and. white, represents the righteousness of the church, which has now been judged and Only the Son of God can understand the mystery of his own being. With this we may compare Jesus' words at his arrest, when he said he could have had twelve legions of angels to fight for him ( Matthew 26:53). "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. Old Testament prophecy and New Testament preaching is the gospel of the Lord Whether it were the Old Testament saints and the church, or the Apocalyptic saints, if I may so distinguish them, it was in an instant that each were raised, but there was some space between them. Who will join in acclamations of praise, and partly on account of their We have seen that these follow the Lord out of heaven, and are next seen enthroned. In Daniel's time it was not at hand. Discover The Book of Revelation - Each Scripture is Explained The common notion, therefore, that the coming of the Lord is at this point is an evident fallacy upon the face of this scripture that describes it, not to speak of others elsewhere. are the ones who are praising. But it fails to account for the differences. This testimony here is not Jesus giving it, but we believers who testify of the You see, the Father has no God-He is "the only true God" according to Jesus in John 17:3. The presentation will take place in heaven following the Rapture (verse 7); and. He treaded the winepress As the grapes are trodden to express the juice, so his enemies shall be bruised and beaten, so that their life's blood shall be poured out. So, God has judged the false religious system that corrupted the earth with her spiritual fornication. incorporates believers, the Old Testament saints, the Church age saints, and the But there is a time coming when power will cease to be ordained of God; and this is the point to which the last condition of the beast refers. The Spirit of God implies that it is decidedly not the righteousness here which is by another, and we thereby imputed righteous, but righteousnesses personal and actual. [Note: See David J. MacLeod, The Seven Last Things.] ). We must face difficulties; we must bow to the word; we must seek to learn through all. 3. It begins with the shout of a vast multitude in heaven. ", And the twenty-four elders, and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped the God who is seated upon the throne. for the smoke from her rises for ever and ever. On the one hand, the return of Jesus Christ to the earth is the climax of all that has gone before in Revelation. Verse 6 commends these sayings afresh. But he tells us further that the Spirit of prophecy, who prophesies in this book, is the testimony of Jesus. Once Jesus enters the battle, it is soon over. The word that goes forth out of His mouth. All the sufferers, either in the early persecutions of Revelation 6:1-17, or in the later persecutions (see Revelation 15:1-8) up to Babylon's extinction, were now raised from the dead. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever ( Revelation 19:3 ). I have a hard time stomaching religious people. So here a description is given of the bride, the Lamb's wife, and we learn how it is that God will use her for unmeasured goodness and blessing and glory in the millennium, as the devil during this age has used Babylon to accomplish his wicked plans here below. Babylon had once heard the varied testimony of God; for what had she not heard of truth? "I will betroth you to me for ever," Hosea hears God say, "I will betroth you to me in righteousness" ( Hosea 2:19-20). Then heaven is opened, and for a sight most solemn. Amen For who knows not the horrors of Mariolatry? The, nature of the case exempts of course the saints of the millennium;* and this very simply, because they are never said to die at all. It isn't that you have been faithful in your devotions, and you have witnessed to so many people, and read so many chapters of the Bible, and spent so many hours in prayer, and you have done all of the religious devotional things, not that at all. Omnipotent means III. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron - See the notes on Revelation 2:27; Revelation 12:5. Revelation 19:7 "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the John insists that angels are no more than the servants of God; and that God alone must be worshipped. "Hallelujah!" There was a Jewish belief that no man could know the name of God until he had entered into the life of heaven. In general this has been either passed over in the chapter, or some unsatisfactory inference has been flung out, which can only embroil the prophecy. Here are two further pictures of the warrior Christ. There stands the solemn brand graven, not on the blasphemous beast, but on the forehead of its rider, "Mystery, Babylon the great." I sometimes judge without having all the facts in hand, and so my judgments are often wrong. "And to the bride was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of saints." She said, "You've had it. 252-53. As for the earthly land and city, the moon will have her light increased to that of the sun, and the sun shall be sevenfold. all the faithful believers saved by grace through faith up to the birth of the 22:2-14; John 3:29; 2 Cor. (i) There is love. I have examined Him. 19:14-16 The armies which are in heaven followed him, on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure. The Word that Christ spoke will judge men at the last day. and in righteousness he doth judge and make war ( Revelation 19:11 ). ", GOD'S WORD IN ACTION ( Revelation 19:13 ). Enduring Word Bible Commentary Revelation Chapter 10 For the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year of my redeemed is come"( Isaiah 63:3-4 ). * It is to Him that God has given all judgment not necessarily to us. Take this quite simply and literally. ( 7) Namely, to that holy marriage, both herself in person in this verse, and also provided by her spouse with marriage gifts princely and divine, is adorned and prepared in the next verse. Who does not see that this is precisely analogous to the verse which opened the description of Babylon? In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God. (iv) There is fidelity. When the apostle Paul wrote to the, saints at Rome, he particularly specified at that very time the duty of absolute subjection on the part of Christians to the powers which then were. His name: The Word of God, a name that none fully knows but himself, only this we know, that this Word was God manifest in the flesh; but his perfections are incomprehensible by any creature. I will tell thee the mystery of the woman." Wheat and tares grow together till the process of judgment separates. In short, it would seem that God has hedged round His own draft of Babylon so as to make it quite plain that Rome, city and system, figures in the scene; and this too necessarily involving a medieval description, though the full result will not be till the end of the age; for she rides the beast or empire characterized so as naturally to involve the past barbarian irruption and the resulting ten-kingdomed state. (iii) He judges and makes war in righteousness. 3:12-15; 2 Cor. He doesn't want you to be religious. Revelation 11:15-19. revelation-19:1-3 - Bible Commentaries The Bible forbids the worship of angels (Col. On these I may say but a very few words. There are always those that say, "What about the people that haven't heard? You can trust in this that these are the true sayings of God. There is only one other place in the New Testament where these two verbs (chairein, G5463, and agallian, G21) come together--in Jesus Christ's promise to the persecuted: "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven" ( Matthew 5:12). His Kingship is universal--But one thing remains--that the enemies of His people be consigned to their doom.

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