New Dads Need To Eat Right From Birth

by glenn on February 24, 2012

Wonderful news! You are a new dad. A new baby is sure to bring many happy moments to your life, along with many all night sessions in the rocking chair. At times like this, it is imperative to give your body the proper nutrients it requires. Even at your physical best, keeping up with your newborn’s needs is taxing on the body. Add that, the stress of a job and subway commute in New York City, and poor nutrition, and you have written a recipe for a rough patch! Prior to your baby’s arrival, it may be best to focus on what you need to do to eat well the first few weeks since bringing your child home. It is in your best interest, and your child’s, to do so for many reasons. Here are a few.

Proper nutrition can help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day. Healthy snacks in between meals, like yogurt, fruit, or nuts, can help keep blood sugar levels from hitting highs and lows and creating energy lulls. Newborns require a ton of your time and energy. All of those late night feedings and diaper changes take a toll on your body. By eating well, you can better ensure that your body will get more of the nutrients it needs to keep up with a newborn’s demands. It is in your best interest to seek out the help of a professional Nutritionist Bronx. These professionals have the credentials to properly assess your individual needs based on your lifestyle, and will develop a custom eating plan to keep you on top of your game.

A New York City nutritionist will also strive to create a customized eating plan that will help lower your risk of encountering future health problems. If you be struggle with any health issues, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, a customized healthy eating plan created by a certified nutritionist Bronx can help get these issues under control. Many people have reduced their dependency on medication by simply changing their diets for the better. By properly managing your health through diet, you ensure that you will be around for your child for many years to come. If your situation does involve any of these issues or another, it may be important to consider adding a fitness component to your new lifestyle changes. For a proper exercise program design, ask your nutritionist to recommend a Bronx personal trainer experienced with people in your situation. You may even be able to use this to set a good example and involve your family in your fitness activities.

Many people don’t necessarily associate a proper diet with their quality of sleep, but the two are very connected. Whether it be the kinds of foods you eat or the time you eat them, this can have a serious effect on how well or even if you sleep through the night. A New York City resident’s lifestyle is one of the nation’s most frenetic and fast-paced. This can make it even harder on new dads who also pull long hours at the office. Eating well will ensure your brain gets the nutrients it needs to keep you on your toes at work and play. Combining poor nutrition with sleep deprivation, will often result in forgetfulness and a drop productivity.

Givng your child the gift of a father who will be there for them for many years to come is the ultimate goal. Feed your body what it needs to push through the hard times. Healthy food choices at the table sets a good example for your children. When you fuel your body right, you can better handle the stress of events like being a new parent or the parent of a newborn. Your children will learn to eat by watching your eating patterns. Proper nutrition will help you keep up your energy level, reduce your risk of future health problems, and keep you focused.

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