The Opportunity Cost of A Gym Membership

October 29, 2011

The smallest deed is greater than the best intentions. You can say about a lot of things. As it relates to fitness and as a former membership consultant for a new York City gym chain, I am astounded at the number of people who join the gym, but go as infrequently as one might visit […]

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Exercise On a Rainy Day, Before Play

October 19, 2011

Don’t start grabbing for the comfort food on a rainy day until after you have had a chance to do your workout. Many people look a bad weather as an excuse to stay inside and grab some treats and plop themselves down to watch a movie, but a better decision is to put that off […]

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Choose A Successful Personal Trainer

October 9, 2011

There are lots of different characteristics that make a great personal trainer.  A great personal trainer for one person, may not be the right source of motivation for another.  Taking both sides of the relationship into account, there are three main points of being a personal trainer. Personality is a key component.  That is not […]

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Can you recession proof your training business?

August 19, 2011

A personal training business has ups and downs just like any other.  Everyday decisions are made that will affect the bottom line. Controlling costs and finding new sources of revenue are always at the forefront.  In an economic slowdown like we are seeing today, these decisions become increasingly more important.  Most personal trainers felt the […]

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Three Simple Things A Personal Trainer Should Not Do

August 10, 2011

Committing to work with a personal trainer is not something to be taken lightly.  It is a big investment mentally, physically, and fiscally.  Unfortunately, not all personal trainers look at the relationship from the client’s perspective. The trainer’s professional conduct, or lack thereof, can have serious effects on a client’s motivation, progress, and commitment.  Here […]

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Wedding Bells and Kettle Bells

July 31, 2011

For many people when they hear wedding bells they immediately think about how they are going to lose weight. Whether you are hearing wedding bells for yourself, for a friend or a family member you always want to look your best especially because so many pictures are taken. Dressing up is a hassle for so […]

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Personal Trainers and Personal Shoppers

July 18, 2011

If you’ve ever had a personal shopper help you in a store, then you know difference they can make in your shopping experience and the quality of your clothing selections for your body shape.  If you’ve ever had a personal trainer in the gym, then you know the value they can add to your workout […]

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Enjoy The Journey & Believe You Can

June 28, 2011

Ferris Bueller said it best when he said, life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop to look around, you might miss something. It is a fact of New York City living, we are always moving at break neck speed from one thing to the next. Always trying to squeeze two minutes into one. Every […]

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Core Strength To Reduce Injury

June 23, 2011

  Core Strength To Reduce Injury   Do you get injured easily? Would you like to be stronger? You can change, you have the power, right there in your core. Core strength is essential for a strong, healthy, body. A Bronx Personal Trainer can help you achieve optimal core strength and be all you are […]

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Sorry For the Delay, New York City, Our Delivery Guy Got Fat

June 21, 2011

The future of food delivery in the Bronx has been glimpsed.  The prediction is, that New York’s food delivery people are about to take up more space in your elevator.  Why, you ask? Two words. Electric bikes. No longer will the pizza delivery man, or the Chinese food guy  be pedaling feverishly 10-12 hours a […]

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