Take Advantage of The Swimming Pool

June 8, 2011

Finding a pool in New York City is extremely hard.  However, when summer comes along it gets a little easier. Swimming pools are great to help beat the summer heat.  But for those of us who spend the cooler months of the year exercising in the weight room or on the treadmill or another cardiovascular […]

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May 28, 2011

A Late Start To That Summer Body   You can still get a perfectly toned body for the summer months even though there is not much time to do so. You can definitely work out the key areas of the body in a high intensity aerobic workout with a personal trainer.   Some people tend […]

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Is Sleep Affecting My Diet And Exercise Choices?

May 14, 2011

No team can win with just one player giving 110%.  Conversely, if one teammate is dragging the team down, it is hard to play your best game.  The same goes for taking care of your body and achieving your fitness goals.  When it comes to our bodies, exercise, diet, and sleep are three teammates we […]

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Exercise To Improve Your Sleeping and Eating Habits

May 13, 2011

Most people look at exercise as a means to lose weight, tone up, or bulk up. What is not thought about is how it can improve other aspects of your life.  Exercise has a positive effect on so many areas of a person’s lifestyle, many are intangible and not always apparent.  Two major areas where […]

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How A Proper Diet Can Improve Sleep and Exercise Habits

May 11, 2011

Great players have the ability to make average players better.  The same can be said for one’s own body and fitness goals. The high hopes of achieving a championship season in any sport can come crashing down when a star player is lost for an extended period of time.   When it comes to our bodies, […]

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Four Benefits of Pilates

May 8, 2011

As a form of exercise, pilates principally make use of the body in developing flexibility, muscular strength and general health. It concentrates on breathing, and as such, shares similarity with yoga. The fact that over 10 million Americans now make use of pilates shows its popularity and customer satisfying qualities. If one desire having the […]

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Yoga Can Improve Your State of Mind & Body

May 7, 2011

More and more people are turning to Yoga as one of the best ways to keep themselves looking and feeling great. In The Bronx, yoga studios are available in every neighborhood from the Upper West Side to the Lower East Side. No matter where you are in New York City, yoga is just right around […]

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Turning Back The Years Before Your High School Reunion

April 26, 2011

It seems like just yesterday, you were throwing your tasseled square hat into the air.  All of a sudden an email alerts you to the fact that it’s time for your 20 year high school reunion.  Where did the time go? Looking in the mirror, you see a few wrinkles and a few pounds that […]

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Improve your Marathon Time With Strength Training

April 14, 2011

If you are training to run a marathon, and already run regularly, then it╒s important be aware of a common mistake that many marathon runners make during training. Most runners never consider strength training to boost their times, and instead focus on cardiovascular training. While running consistently can help, your muscles need additional strength in […]

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Personal Training For Senior Citizens

March 21, 2011

Since it is a known fact that exercises increases your lifespan, reduce the possibly of people getting a disease, and increased vitality, seniors are turnings towards New York City personal trainers to maintain regular exercise. Seniors are not only limiting themselves to a NYC personal trainer, they are also incorporating daily routines like walking and […]

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