Take Advantage of The Swimming Pool

by glenn on June 8, 2011

Finding a pool in New York City is extremely hard.  However, when summer comes along it gets a little easier. Swimming pools are great to help beat the summer heat.  But for those of us who spend the cooler months of the year exercising in the weight room or on the treadmill or another cardiovascular activity, the pool can represent a great opportunity to vary one’s workout.  The benefits can be both physical and mental.


There are several places you can look to, to find a pool.  Some of them won’t even cost you a penny.  Throughout New York City’s five boroughs, you’ll find city run pools.  A simple check on the city’s parks and recreation website will provide you a list of pool locations and hours.  Be aware of the pool rules.  Another place to look is to some of the gyms in your neighborhood.  You may find a summer membership option available, which will allow you to use the gym and the pool.  Many gyms find that usage drops in the summer so they can offer this membership type.  Additionally, you find an apartment building offering pool memberships.  If you are in the market for an apartment, this may also be a good time to add a pool to your required list of amenities.


Utilizing a pool has many benefits for your body.  Anyone interested in fitness knows that swimming can provide you with a great workout, but it’s more than just a cardiovascular option.  Swimming is a great total body exercise.  It provides your muscles with a strength-training component, as well helping to improve one’s flexibility and range of motion.  Incorporating a variety of strokes into your workout will allow you to use different muscle groups while you pull and kick your body through the water.  For this reason, some people choose to work with a personal trainer bronx with an aquatics background.  An additional benefit of giving your body a break from weights or running or cycling is the reduction of the constant pounding and impact on your joints.  Most notably your knees, ankles, and shoulders.  The result can stave off an injury or chronic problem later on.


Mentally, the pool can pay long-term dividends, as well.  Everyone needs a mental break now and then.  Swimming can be just that.  For instance, if you exercise four to five times per week 52 weeks per year, going to the same gym every time can become tiresome.  The swimming pool can provide you with a wonderful change of atmosphere.  Then when summer is over, you’ll see your gym day with a fresh perspective.  Plus, jumping in the pool is refreshing.  It can help wash the stress of the day away.


In short, stop thinking about using the swimming pool this summer and go out and do it.  Your mind and body could use some refreshment.  If you are not sure how to approach an aquatics workout, many personal trainers bronx have aquatics exercise backgrounds.  If nothing else, do it just because it’s hot.  Enjoy your swim!


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