Using Strength Training to Burn Calories Everyday

by glenn on March 7, 2011

Personal trainers can assist clients in making a fitness regime that will get them the specific results that they desire. There are many different levels of personal trainers available in the New York City area and they are always looking to working with new and diverse clients. Personal trainers can help their clients determine what types of strength training they should do to help build muscle and burn more calories everyday. Even after the workout is over.


Strength training builds muscle on the body. In order for the body to maintain muscle it must burn more energy, therefore, a body with more muscle on it will help to burn calories even when the person is not training or working out. Although cardiovascular training such as running and riding bikes does help a person burn calories and gain some strength and muscle, it is not as effective as strength training in the long run.


Working with a personal trainer in New York City who can put together a personalized strength program is a great way to burn calories and stay in shape. Even though strength training is better at burning calories, it is still important to work the cardiovascular system and a personal trainer can help to put together a well mixed schedule of strength and cardiovascular training. It is important to remember that both cardiovascular and strength training are necessary for a complete fitness regime.


The amount of strength training versus cardiovascular training that one needs is based on the desired outcomes. Your personal trainer Bronx will help determine this with you during your consultation and assessment.  For example, if someone wants to lose weight then strength training can help those people burn a lot of extra calories everyday. This is fantastic for the everyday person who can only work out a few times a week. Personal trainers Bronx will help to tailor a program specifically designed to meet a client’s needs.


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