hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

by on April 8, 2023

Fixed the Turkish A meeting on the Bosporus event firing more than once. Removed the random chance of countries not attending the federalist conference just because. Improved AI handling of Swedish Black Monday decisions. Fixed Japan intervening to help a dead Fengtian. Fixed Left Kuomintang being given the autonomy names of Hunan or Lianguang. Fixed the Ottomans releasing Tripoli despite not owning it. Armenia: Mihran Damadian, Bedros Hallachian, Anastas Mikoyan, Canada: Harold Alexander, Harry Crerar, Harry DeWolf, Charles Foulkes, Bert Hoffmeister, Horatio Nelson Lay, Leonard Murray, Percy Nelles, H.L.N. Japan now actually loses SocCon popularity if the Seiyukai loses its majority. Fixed a missing claim in the Netherlands for NatPop Baltic State / German State. Added missions for Armenia to conquer Batumi and Kars. Fixed the Fate of Singapore not firing for minor countries. The Philippines will no longer join the Entente or Reichspakt, unless set to do so in the game rules. Removed the option for releasing Greater Hungary as a single option in the annexation events, as it can still be formed by the individual regional annexation events. Fixed Northern Ireland being unable to join the Entente, despite both being at war with the Internationale. This does mean that some countries will appear not to change name, due to their name in this other file being called up after. If you expel the Belgians from Mittelafrika, Katanga can't then go the Belgian path. Independent Estonia and Lithuania can now choose to join the faction if it has been formed. Fixed the republican leaders of Siam not being correctly created. Fixed the Raja of Mysore rebelling after he's dead. Fixed Sichuan starting with the Zhili Exile focus tree. Fixed countries not being entirely annexed in peace conferences. The AI will always give Arabia to Hejaz in the annexation event, if allied to the latter. Fixed the description for New Englands Dean Acherson. Tweaked several of Yunnans national focus durations, and added time limitations on their decision to attack Tibet. Panamas two states have been merged into one. Fixed the Dominion of India being able to bypass non-aggression pacts in its focus tree. Fixed Centroamerica getting more than four ministers. The Ideological Loyalty national spirit is now available for all socialists. Federalist China will now have Wang Jingwei as the head of the Kuomintang upon unification, rather than Song Qingling. Fixed a German East Asia national spirit, where Qing did not count as pro-AOG. Fixed Ireland joining two factions at once. Welcome to the first beta version of Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4. Fixed Indochina rising up after already being beaten by Dutch East Indies. Fixed the event for the fall of Baton Rouge checking the wrong province. Added an event for Zhang Zongchang offering his services as a commander to the Fengtian Government and then Sichuan, should he be defeated in Shandong. South Africas Black Monday is no longer auto-solved by the Boer War. Removed the Indian fortification national foci, and slightly tweaked several others. Natal's militias are now unlocked after the Boer War. Fixed Totalist Turkey being able to join the Reichspakt. Now it has the ability to declare war on any non-socialist tag in South America, to create a research group, to create an economic cooperation group with scaling effects, and to develop allies industry. Fixed Canadas Prince Henry not having the exile trait. Fixed the king's path in Sardinia not showing which post-war tree they will get. Fixed Japan's AI now actually doing land reform. Fixed Austria being able to invite Albania, while intervening in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed German East Asia being taken out of the Reichspakt if Vietnam is annexed. Multiple fixes and improvements to the Intermarium system. Fixed the American Union State trying the Federalist generals twice. Irish / Ulster Unionists are now referred to solely as Loyalists, due to the association of unions with the syndicalist Union of Britain. Fixed Karl Albrechts portrait not appearing. Fixed not being able to give Gomel to Russia. Russias initial production now matches their factory count. Fixed some Chinese generals not joining their unifier when their home areas are integrated. For Sardinia, the focus for declaring Sardinia-Piedmont now moves the capital to Turin. Poland's mission to reach the sea now autocompletes when fulfilled. 180 days after that, if they have not won yet, they annex Italy. Transamurs tree has received an update, now focused on taking back the country during the Weltkrieg - as such, its AI will no longer be passive during the war, and may attack Russia if not puppeted by Japan beforehand. Fixed the Princely Federations Council of Princes advisor picture. Patagonia - Foreign policy decisions for Baldomerstas South American Socialist States faction. Fixed a Xinjiang national focus targeting the incorrect state. Decreased the completion time for the Left Kuomintangs First National Elections national focus. Updated the requirements in Greeces faction-joining decisions. Fixing the broken Indian Trade national spirit for Bhutan. Note that, if you decide to use the PLPC or STT mods anyhow, it wont break anything - you just wont get our updates to them. Fixed the missing portraits for Belgiums Albert and Leopold. Streamlined the mechanics of the Mittelafrikan collapse. Fixed Qing seizing Tianjin from Japan, due to events firing simultaneously. Removed Spain's ridiculously high surrender limits in the Spanish Civil War. Fixed Turkey moving the capital to Eskisehir instead of Ankara. Fixed Latvia's peat decision having no effect. Fixed Insulindia being able to join factions it's at war with. Cosmetic tag [edit | edit source]. Nehru no longer uses his description for the Bharatiya Commune if he is a leader in the Dominion of India. Socialist Russia can now ask the rest of the Internationale for aid, and vice versa, instead of them sharing mutual guarantees of independence. Germany-in-Exile is no longer a valid target for the new Entente leader, Nepal no longer starts with units outside of its home territory, Fate of Northern Schleswig will no longer repeat if the player decides on occupation, Canada now releases any puppets it has first, if its about to collapse and transfer Entente leadership. Otherwise? The United States of Yugoslavia now have a unique flag. Fixed dead countries remaining the members of Phalanstre, and countries remaining in the Phalanstre after the Internationale's defeat. Rebalanced Argentinean and Patagonian industrial focuses and decisions. Fixed Burma starting with 100% stability (due to a typo, they started with 4500% stability instead of 45%, and the game reduced it to 100%). Fixed Burgenland not going to Danubia when the latter is formed in the Austrian annexation event. Tweaked the effects of the Pro-Zaibatsu path for Japan. Added new ideas and buffs to the QIE Zhili and Manchu trees that greatly increase the economic and military abilities of the tag. Fixed Sardinias Amadeo not being restored in their annexation event, if Sardinia had previously capitulated. Japan will no longer naval invade as much. Then they can either restore the Italian Federation or release Lombardy and go their own way. West Banat and Vojvodina now start with Illyrian/Transylvanian cores to avoid becoming colony states. Fixed the Serbo-Croatian voices not being applied to Montenegro. Fixed Russia peacing out with nearby non-neighbour EE countries. Fixed Shandong declaring war on Anqing when both are pro-Fengtian. If a Legation Council member ends up at war with the Legation Cities, they are removed from the Council. Fixed the animation for Polish marines and mountaineers. Fixed France not getting claims on Wallonia if they annex all of Belgium, Fixed the Dutch Revolution news event using the wrong description, MAF can no longer release its constituents while at war, The CSA Constitutional Congress popularity gains now reflect the actual politics, Fixed a Yunnan focus bypassing incorrectly and added extra AI factors to their war foci, Post-ACW emergency mobilization is no longer locked, Fixed and improved the Hunan faction joining decisions, Fixed the post-Great Game trees' availables. Belgium can no longer hire Totalist, Syndicalist or Radical Socialist ministers after the interim government ends, unless its governed by one of the aforementioned ideologies. AI France now no longer annexes the Rhineland, Westminster Declaration news event no longer overflows event response, New design companies for Bohemia and Chile, Added New Polish Endonyms and Renamed Existing ones, Fevzi organizing election will now set the junta popularity to 0, German East Asia AI will no longer attempt suicidal naval invasions on Saigon if it still own ports elsewhere in Vietnam, Major Nordic design companies can now be accessed by SCA as long as they own the capital of its constituent states. Totalist Turkey is now referred to as the Republic of Turkey. Slightly tweaked the icon for Support Equipment in decisions. We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich as much as we did making it! Fixed Bulgaria removing the State Protection Act even when having not enough deputies. Laconic. Please note that this patch is targeting the 1.9.1 beta build, so please make sure you opt into the beta to play. Fixed New England's states being considered non-core even if they reunited peacefully. Fixed the United Kingdom being unrestorable by other members of the Entente. Releasing the splinters in another format exists primarily for the player to do so if they wish. It represents the total number of divisions that a country can safely support. Bhutans AI will now actually use its decisions. Fixed Anqing not getting the decision to attack Qing despite doing the prerequisite focus. Fixed a cause of post Liberal Ottomans being locked out of their foreign policy tree after beating the Cairo Pact. Fixed several bugs relating to ships for players without the Man the Guns DLC, and for ships spawning when the country has either no naval base or not enough manpower. Renamed the Addressing the Macedonians focus for Serbia, and changed the description. Central Asian tags may now be invited to the Co-Prosperity Sphere so long as they border one of its members. Added Alsace et Lorraine for the French Republic. Fixed Azerbaijan joining the Istanbul Pact after the Russo-Ottoman Convention. Fixed Norway's Rikshirden leaders not being created correctly. Countries invited to the Moscow Accord by Russia can now demand the return of any cores in exchange. The American Civil War's Legation Marines event no longer fires if the Legation Cities have collapsed. Fixed the Ottoman Empire's Assyrian Revolt mission not targeting Basra. New England can now unlock the Liberate State decision, if they manually justify to enter the American Civil War. Added an anti-exploit measure to the Treaty of Budapest. tag <TAG> Switches to the tagged country, in debug mode, you can see the tag of a country by holding CTRL+ALT and hoovering over it. If the United Kingdom tries to demand Northern Ireland from Ireland, and Ireland is in a faction, but a reunited America is in the Entente, then the UK may try and pressure Irelands faction leader into getting Ireland to submit. The Khedivate of Egypt now has a red colour like the Ottomans, Leaders and parties across the different USA factions have now been standardized for the most part. Added some more oil to Bolivia, reduced it in Paraguay. Vytautas now gets a small amount of legitimacy from becoming a figurehead. Germany can now access a second armour tech bonus. Made the "lesser" Megali option for Greece based on states owned, not claimed. Chinese army reform is now represented by national spirits. Greece now gets Northern Epirus via the Treaty of Budapest. Fixed the Canadian governor general not being set correctly. Updated the AI priorities in researching particular technologies. Fixed Sichuan turning Federalist after being puppeted by the Left Kuomintang. Highlights include, of course, the long awaited China update, the Italian rework, new naval changes, our largest ever performance improvement, an insane number of bug fixes and huge quality of life changes. Fixed two states missing from being counted as British colonial claims. All Indian unifiers now claim Aksai Chin. Added improved tooltips to the McNair Plan and Chaffee Plan national focuses for the USA. None of the Indian states can do their "incorporate Madras" focuses until they have returned all expeditionary forces for puppets. Poland can no longer seize Prussia from a Germany that doesn't control it (they'll just declare war instead). Added a cavalry template to Finland, for suppression. Let's see what happens when we randomize all nations between Totalist, Social Democrat, Syndicalist, Autocrat, Pop. Buffed the effects of the Local Democracy and Political Tutelage national spirits for the Left Kuomintang. The United States now transfer a portion of their stockpiles to the American Civil War revolters. Fengtian will guarantee Shandong if the latter compromises with Anqing after the League War. Fixed the tooltip for Ottomans decision to abolish the Sharifate. Fixed the Left Kuomintangs Shanxi negotiation decision not appearing when it should. Fixed Ukraines starting infantry template missing support companies. Germany now surrenders Ceylon and the Maldives to Japan if/when the GEA peace deal fires. Fixed Haiti trying to export rubber to countries that it is not aligned with. Fixed Japan not losing cores/claims on Korea after losing to China or Russia. Fixed syndie Poland not joining the Internationale until the Weltkrieg is almost over. Fixed the State Transfer Tool decision referring to the incorrect shortcut. Fixed German East Asia not guarding Vietnam's borders. Indian war focuses no longer name the other Indian states, since they target whoever owns the capitals. Fixed the Redressement path for Philippe Ptain keeping his Lion of Verdun trait. Updated Mexicos states to more closely follow vanilla HoI4. Hungary now loses its non-owned cores and claims when reorganised into a Crownland. Updated flag render for the Dutch East Indies. Fixed the Dutch left/right negotiations being able to fail, even if you give full concessions. Puppet Jabal Shammar can no longer join factions. NatPop Italian Republic can now join Moscow Accord, if the Socialist Republic of Italy does not exist. Minor tweaks to the map in Southwest and West Africa. Fixed the New South Africa Act wiping out South Africas cores. Fixed a Qing event displaying incorrectly. Fixed three Guatemalan political advisors being permanently unavailable. Fixed Bulgaria keeping the German support idea after the Balkan War. Fixed a German national focus trying to build them a coastal bunker in a province they dont own. Fixed the Federalist infrastructure decisions not working for Sichuan and improved their availables. Fixed an exploit allowing Two Sicilies to attack the Socialist Republic of Italy in early 1936. Syndicalist and RadSoc Combined Syndicates now have the same flag. Fixed Argentine game rules electing the incorrect party. The decision for Serbia to form Yugoslavia is no longer locked behind the Together Against Austria national focus. Rwanda and Urundi no longer spawn during the Mittelafrikan collapse. The maximum multiplier tapers out at 200% of the base unit count from population + states, while the absolute minimum is 50%. Completing the Constitution of the Baltic Federation now gives a small flavor event for new elections. Some adjustments to the Treaty of Budapest: the AI is now guaranteed to accept peace, unless theyre in a faction and the faction leader (a player) has already refused the treaty, Added more variations to the event text, particularly for Italy and Poland, and covering the possibility for when Germanys intervention means Italy might not receive anything out of the treaty (the text wont imply that they do), Workaround for a rare occurrence where partial control over a non-enemy state whose owner is in exile will drag them into a peace conference, even though their faction hasnt capitulated yet, Fixed incorrect state id reference in Status of Salonica trigger, All government changes in Switzerland, Honduras, Uruguay, Papal State, and Lombardy now properly remove old ministers, Bulgaria no longer loses all its cores in the instance where the Greek rebel state is annexed by Greece proper (Bulgarias cores were accidentally being removed instead of the Greek rebel cores), Fate of Dalmatia decision now fires the correct event, Fixed Guangzhou being counted as part of Legation Cities, Fixed Mongolian and Tibetan endonyms being overridden by Chinese ones, Socialist Russia no longer claims Pas-de-Calais, Fixed a puppet Ma Clique being able to change their government, Alash Orda will no longer be set free by the RCW in the rare case where they stay loyal, Fixed the Romanian legionary minister changes removing the HoG, Poland can now be granted a puppet Galicia if released after the latter, Replaced Bulgarian flags coat of arms with one the monarchy actually used, Germany: Eberhard von Mackensen, Albert Kesselring, August von Mackensen, Gerd von Rundstedt, Gotthard Heinrici, Rupprecht von Bayern, Heinz Guderian, Walter Model, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Wilhelm III (General Variant), Erich Raeder, Ewald Kleist, Friedrich Paulus, Hermann Boehm, Erwin von Witzleben, Erich von Manstein, Erich Hoepner, Franz von Papen, Georg Kuchler, Gnther Ltjens, Lothar Arnauld Periere, Rudolf Rocker, Wilhelm Souchon, Gustav Krupp, Karl Doenitz, Gunther Kluge, Hermann Hoth, Wilhelm Pieck, Others: Ali Kelmendi (ALB), Ahmet Zogu (ALB), Jawaharlal Nehru (BHC), Georgi Dimitrov (BUL), Reginald Hildyard (CAF), Carlos Campo (CHL), Yang Yuting (FNG), Asgeir Asgeirsson (ICE), Ta Thu Thau (INC), Eoin ODuffy (IRE), Franz Ritter von Epp (MAF), Theodor von Hippel (MAF), Ferdinand Schorner (MAF), Guy Halifax (SAF), Thomas Dewey (USA), Saint Louis in Senegal is now in the right place, Volgograd state and VP has been renamed to Tsaritsyn from the start, Fixed the urban terrain of Tashkent being on the wrong place. Release events for Slovakia will now take into account the status of Southern Slovakia and Transcarpathia. Fixed MarLib Fengtian forming the Anguojun. Fixed Zveno Bulgaria potentially joining the Austrians or Germans. Japan now loses all wargoals on China upon surrendering, and all China-related foci now bypass. Fixed the game rule for the Panama Canal Crisis sometimes not working. The Princely Federation can no longer join Japans faction if it is at war. Fixed Spain not losing its cosmetic tags upon being puppeted. Added "Hej, Strzelcy Wraz! Fixed Perus Benavides missing general description. what are the names of the parties if you use the command? Improved the rendering of the existing flags for Australasia, Bolivia, Canada, Ecuador, Khedivate Egypt, PatAut Finland, Georgia, Puppet Great Britain, Hawaii, Latvia, Nejd and Hasa, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Rhodesia, Serbia, White Ruthenia, Yemen & Yucatan. The Left Kuomintangs creatable faction has been renamed, with the name changing depending on the country leader. The Combined Syndicates now always start with New York City. Refactored the AI weights for restarting the Indian civil war. Removed a 12-year-old general from the Bharatiya Commune. Fixed the Ottomans losing land in the peace deal with Russia. New Englands ships can now use the USS prefix, once they begin their reconstruction tree. The Ottomans joining the Kaiser Wilhelm Society is now handled through a decision. Fixed the wrong country receiving the responses in Haitis rubber events. The less factories you have, the more impactful an extra factory will be towards increasing it. Added a few more events about Yunnan integrating Kachin and Shan. Haiti seizing American facilities and weapons, will now cause a negative opinion modifier. Fixed the Canadian annexation event using the wrong effect. Fixed the Ma Clique and Tibet news events firing inappropriately. Greece can no longer start the Megali war if it is part of a major faction, unless the Weltkrieg has already started. Fixed Nasir Shah's trait reverting to the previous level if the Kumul Khanates ideology changed. Fixed some missing Chinese general descriptions. Fixed some bugs involving Petar in Bulgarias Chetnik uprisings when the win against Serbia. Fixed Yan Kunrus missing general description in Liangguang. Fixed Serbia not receiving Carniola in the Treaty of Budapest. Fixed SocDem Mexico joining the Third International. Added Valerian Tevzadze as a general for Georgia. Refactored the League of American States to be less performance-intensive.

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