mars in 10th house for libra ascendant

by on April 8, 2023

It's moolatrikona in Libra of 3rd house. Last year, I did a workshop calling Processing 2021 Through Writing. The native will be wealthy and will enjoy the comforts of luxuries, conveyances, will own multiple lands and properties. Moon is lord of 10th house so due to Kendradhipati dosha moon is Malefic for Libra Ascendant. Mars in astrology is a symbol of passion, energy, drive, and willpower. The native with Mars in 7th House for Libra Ascendant gets some troubles from his father. The native with Mars in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant makes more efforts for education. The native with Mars in 5th House for Libra Ascendant gets an intelligent partner but faces some opposition from partner and children. Your career won't be impacted by other aspects of life since the lord is taking care of its house. Especially, businesses that involve the use of speech and voice. It also shows us the qualities of our spouse. Such native earns huge wealth. Here, personalities of the couple cancel the Manglik Dosh which Mars creates in the 4th House. Mars in 10th House Personality Traits | Ryan Hart You also need to be active and dominant in your field or profession. The native can face lots of conflicts and turmoil in his home. Though gets excess sexual pleasures yet is not happy with his partner. The native also loses longevity of life. Mars in 10th house is indicating native may be serve important people.Which mean native may be working in administrative department, government department, big company or any other such type of institution. It corresponds to the second part of your life, when all your efforts start to yield results. The 9th House is also associated with faith, morality, and wisdom. Crocodile in Dream Meaning & Interpretation | Good or Bad? The native with Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant gets happiness of partner and pleasure of children. The native with Mars in 5th House for Libra Ascendant loses the advantage of longevity of life and inheritance. Significance of 10th House The tenth house represents name and fame, success, and status. The native will earn his wealth through business and will be gain business success. It is associated with self-expression, recreation, and children. The native will be a conqueror, and will gain victory over his enemies. What if Mars is in the 10th house for Libra ascendant? You have to take into account the sign of Mars and the sign on the Midheaven, too, but here are some fields where you can become highly successful with all this Martian energy here . Built with, Effects of Sun in the 1st House: Vedic Astrology. The native can face conflicts with his mother. The native may not be able to fully benefit from his education. They say what they think and theyre agonizingly honest about it. In this case, the native may not think properly and his wealth will be stuck in paying loans and debt. It is known as the house of courage, and is associated with the strength of ones convictions and represents our ability to work hard in life. Saturn In First House Libra Ascendant (Thula Lagna) For Libra ascendant Saturn being 4th and 5th lord, it is a powerful yoga karaka. You put a tremendous amount of energy into your career, and you are a self-starter who doesnt need a boss to motivate them, either. The Ketu in the 10th house in the chart will bestow the person with position, prestige in society, financial prosperity, wealth, fame and will increase his respect to get the powerful position. was wondering about mars in signs as well, but i couldnt find any postings on this here is this something you plan to do? While the 9th house depicts which are the possibilities and where destiny fails and limitations restrict, the 10th house is the seat of our dream that we try to fulfill in order to achieve our status in life. The Scorpio second house makes this tendency to hold onto the same social roles a bit complicated. I decided to do a review of 2022 using the astrology of last year as a written piece instead. The native is not happy with his siblings. This individual's relationship with his father may be transformative. He will posses an aggressive personality and will gain victory over his enemies. However, when Mars sits in the 1st house, they wont be able hide their temper. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Mars is in fall in Cancer because its labor that is often taken for granted and overlooked. 10th House in Vedic Astrology is known as the house of career and public reputation. The native is not lucky and religious. Libra risings are looking to become social kings or queens. Any clarification? Due to the weakness of wealth, he bears insults in the family, especially from his father. It always reminds Libra rising of the ways they could be improving. The native will not be able to control his anger, while he will suffer from impatience, panic, and short-temper. As we know, they have an extravagant taste for luxury, art, music, beauty and they also excel in fields related to creativity, art, film, music and other sectors related to Venus. The 3rd House is a Karak house for Mars and here Mars is in the sign of Sagittarius which is a friendly sign, Thus Mars here gives very auspicious results. Mars here can indicate a surgeon or an athlete, too. They might feel like they always have to be that friend whos there for people, the friend who cooks for everyone, the one who brings people together. What if 7th lord, Mars, is in 10th house for a Libra Ascendant? (Vedic The native is happy. The second house is the stuff that is forced onto you, whether you like it or not. Sun is also badhkesh for Libra ascendant. Mars in the tenth house people want victory more than anything in their professional life. The natives brothers will be long lived, he will be very prosperous and fortunate in his life. Jupiter in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Astrology Mars rules the 10th and 5th houses and stays in 10th house in Aries symbol if ascendant is Cancer. It also represents our mother and homeland. While, he will gain lots of blessings and support from his mother. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is a cynical sign. When Libra risings feel insecure, they can default to withholding their true emotions by playing the social roles that theyve already learned to be safe repetitively. In a chart, if ascendant has a fixed sign, Venus is in angle, Moon in trines, Jupiter in 9th house and Saturn is placed in 10th house. You consider their career to be one of the most important things in your life. The native is unlucky. However, one should always do Birth Chart Matching before getting married. My name is Rajesh Bihani and I am a full time Vedic Astrologer from New Delhi, India and you can contact me if you need horoscope consultation.I have been practicing Vedic Astrology for past 8 years now and I am a certified professional. Libra Ascendant - If it is Libra Ascendant, Venus rules 1st & 8th house and sits in 10th house in Cancer. The native may posses a harsh speech, if Mars is afflicted in the 2nd house. The native also faces some hurdles and hindrances in occupation/profession. The native works hard to earn wealth and maintain the glory of the family. Pisces in the sixth house can mean that the work itself never feels good enough to start on. With Mars in the tenth house, you can be quite driven, goal-oriented, and competitive. Since Mars is in Libra, a symbol of marriages, and the 10th house is the house of law and government, it also indicates someone who is a lawyer in relational matters. Venus: the Lagna lord also rules the 8th house, Venus gives good results. MARS, represents our will power, courage, ability to take actions, aggressive nature, anger, our fighting ability, brother, male friends, a boy friend for a girl, a soldier, an athlete and real estate etc. Their nature will be submissive and appreciated by others. chandra mangal . Laxmi Yoga, Dhan Yoga Astrology by Ritu Shukla | - Times of India Such natives posses the quality to work for long hours without getting tired. 11th house has Aries sign and lord is Mars. Spirituality, Knowledge, and Behavior coexist whenever this occurs. Due to the weakness of wealth, he bears insults in the family, especially from his father. In Vedic astrology, the 5th house is known as the house of creativity. The native with Mars in 1st House for Libra Ascendant runs a good business and gets succeed. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house. In general, it is benefic here, in most cases. Venus is lord of 5th house (also Mooltrikona sign libra falls in 5th house) and 12th House. The native gets some respect from the government and society. Mars in 10th House Directional Strength - Donuts The native has a good looking and capable partner and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native will be very hardworking, however, he will lack patience and will have short temper. People know you as someone energetic and determined, which is what they respect you for. At the same time, Mars in 10th house gives an immense will-power to rise in career at any cost. If you have Mars in the 3rd House, you are restless, perhaps high-strung, and probably have an abundance of nervous energy. 1. This sounds like Aries, right? In astrology, this placement counts as a success indicator when it comes to career. Libra risings love conflict. The Significance of Your Mars Return in Astrology | Saturn and Mars conjunct or aspecting - psychologically astrology The native earns some wealth and tries to increase more. Mars as the lord of the 2nd and 7th Houses for Libra Ascendants Mars is generally known to have a neutral relationship with Venus, the ascendant lord for Libra risings. You are able to infect with others with your enthusiasm. The tenth house is the house of career. He will gain all of his success, wealth, prosperity and growth in life through his own hard work and perseverance. The native will posses weak common sense and critical thinking ability due to which he will make many wrong decisions in his life. The native with Mars in 1st House for Libra Ascendant is physically weak but feels happy. This parent or authority figure taught you to fight and do your best. Natal Mars in the Tenth House in Astrology: Mars in Houses. The native faces hindrances in his occupation/profession but works hard to get success and gains good profits. The native with Mars in 4th House for Libra Ascendant dislikes his fathers company. These cookies do not store any personal information. . Here, Mars is creating a 9th to 5th relationship with its own house, thus the native will be very hardworking in his life. Virgo in the twelfth house is such a self critical placement and Libra risings can be perfectionists. Mars in tenth house | Mars in tenth house for different zodiac It is also the house of love and romance. Mars in 10th is indicating native may be doctor or engineer. The native suffers from some blood disease. At work, this person will still claim his individuality. The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant has some deficiency in sexual pleasures. They can overthink it or feel like theyre not allowed the same pleasures as other people for whatever reason. For a Libra Ascendant, Mars will be placed in the sign of Cancer in the 10th house when the 7th house lord is placed in the 10th house. He will be a backbiter and will have fear from thieves. To fully understand how Mars operates through the houses of the chart wheel, its important to understand what this planet represents in astrology. In astrology, Mars is the planet of physical exercise and sports. The native has troubles with children. If Mars is associated with Sun, the native becomes a king. Mars in the 9th house gives very auspicious results, as Malefic planets in the 9th house are known to give good results. Libra ascendants are one of the most unique signs among all Zodiac signs, as the one word that describes them is Aishwaryawan, or so called born to be wealthy and prosperous. When you look at everything in a chart isolated and dissected, ultimately youre not going to get much of a narrative about your entire chart. The native seems to be fortunate but lacks faith in religion. . The native with Mars in 12th House for Libra Ascendant incurs a loss of men and wealth. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House can give indebtedness, though of manageable nature. The native gets respect and fame in the society. House Lords for Libra Ascendants: Find Out Which Planets - EAstroHelp To conclude, if you have Mars in the tenth it is nothing to get afraid but mind your steps. The results of Mars in the 7th house will be very fruitful. By relating every house back to your rising sign, you can understand your entire chart in a more holistic way. Natal Mars in the Tenth House in Astrology: Mars in Houses Mars: as the ruler of 4th and 9th houses, Kendra & Kona /trine, Mars becomes " raja yoga karaka" for Leo's. . It affects daily business but he earns through foreign relations. The 10th house is the house of action or Karma. Mars directly aspects the 1st house which makes the native have a very impatient personality. But due to moolatrikona in 1st house, Venus gives benefic results. Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Astrology. Virgo in the twelfth house is like a self critical whisper. The native with Mars in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant leads a luxurious life and spends much wealth. The native is careless about health and suffers from stomach pain. The natives spouse will have an irritable and short-tempered personality. During this period, these natives acquire wealth and knowledge. Libra (Born October 14 to 23) and Libra Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Libra: March 2023 Libra Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends March 2023. The concept of various planets exhibiting tendencies to be benefic or malefic on the basis of the houses they rule in . In this way, we should take both consistently. # # # # Mars in tenth house | Effect of Mars in tenth house | Significance of Mars in tenth house | Mars in tenth house - horoscope, astrology property predictions property property. In your case the 7th lord Mars is placed in another quadrant i.e the 10th house. For example, a partner might be so preoccupied with work that he or she has little time for relationships. The native is courageous and energetic. This happens for the Libra ascendant. Even if theyre fiercely political people, theyre not about to line themselves up to any set political ideology. When Mars resides or passes through the 10th house, it brings about greater energy and ambitious drive directed towards ones own professional advancement and reputation. You believe in your own strength, what makes it easier for you to go after what you want. My Mars is in Leo 10h but MC in Cancer. The native works hard to get success in business and earns huge wealth. If the ascendant lord is in ascendant and career lord Mars is in 6th house, the native will be rich . However! The native will wealthy through business and will enjoy all kinds of life comforts, happiness, success and will own multiple lands, agricultural land, conveyances and properties in his life. Fifth house deals with pleasure and having Aquarius, the sign in which the Sun finds its detriment, in the fifth house makes Libra rising a little cold when it comes to pleasure. Mars is a planet of war and conflict, but it can also represent courage and determination. However, the native will gain wealth, will rich and will get respect in the society. Venus in 10th house with Mars will advantage in this house a lot, especially in a materialistic way. The native with Mars in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant gets a little advantage of longevity of life and inheritance. Saturn and Mars are both naturally kroor graha, ie they will always give their results in their characteristic harsh, unfeeling, cruel, turbulent etc fashion.However their results are not always as horrible as it is made out. This placement suggests someone who is not afraid at all from getting into the most competitive field. Libra Through the Houses in Astrology - ASTROFIX The native faces problems in getting success in his occupation/profession. 10th house has Pisces sign and lord is Jupiter. Mars in tenth house people often choose a career in engineering, entrepreneurship, the military, or some mechanical field. Debilitated Mars in Tenth House. The native is weak in education. They absolutely believe that they are the ones who will shape their future. would be appreciated, Beautiful words I Thank you very much for sharing , I have Scorpio in BOTH my Mars & 10th house & this pretty much profiled me, lol & also, yes, the times I felt unmotivated, if not near depressed, were the times Ive been in careers, or jobs where I cant wait to leave/clock out/get out Mars in Scorpio is highly intuitive & regardless of your sun, you can be 10x more of a Scorpio, if not be able to read Scorpio placements, better than they can themselves Ive done this & it can be highly triggering to underdeveloped Scorpio placements Im also a sun conjunct moon in Taurus, who is the sister sign of Scorpio, so I can definitely be more Scorpio-like, when the time for observation & intuition calls for it.

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