micrococcus luteus biochemical tests

by on April 8, 2023

Staphylococcus spp. In conclusion, some of my results were inconclusive and conflicting. Micrococcus luteus is a constituent of the normal human buccal bacterial flora which forms yellowish colonies and appears as a gram-positive coccus typically arranged in tetrads. This simple-to-perform test categorizes the Gram-positive cocci as either catalase producers (+) or non-producers (-). In a temporal study by Kloos and Musselwhite (1975), it was found that micrococci usually constituted from 1 to 20% of the total aerobic bacteria isolated from the skin of the head, legs, and arms, but less than 1% of those isolated from the high bacterial density areas of the nares and axillae. The coagulase test is performed by mixing a sample of organism with rabbit plasma. This is likely either a cause of human error, unpure cultures, or not using agar plates that are fresh enough for the test. The colony morphology is the same as well, being round, shiny, and sort of flat (Medical Laboratories). This would be read as K/A. Abstract Micrococcus luteus IFO 3333 cells, both treated with chemical reagents and non-treated, were observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Micrococcus luteus, a commonly found member of the Micrococcaceae, produces round colonies which are convex (curving outward) with smooth, entire margins. A summary table is included which lists the results of the identification criteria discussed in the tutorial. Thus, when dealing with Micrococcus infections, it usually takes several cultures that are being grown and examined before one realizes that Micrococcus is indeed the culprit. Coagulase production is used as a virulence factor by the organism. You can change these settings at any time, but that may impair functionality on our websites. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. While every effort is made to ensure details distributed by Culture Collections are accurate, Culture Collections cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the data supplied. These can indicate that the genus of the Micrococcus is more closely related to the genus Arthrobacter than it is to other coccoid genera such as Staphylococcus and Planococcus. The confidence on that reading is decently confident, evidenced by the blue coloring. This lines up with M. luteus resistances from the tests. The oxidase test tests to see if the microbe contains cytochrome c oxidase. . It shows that it is mostly Actinobacteria, with some firmicules ,and proteobacteria mixed in (Figure 2). Isolates of the M. luteus have been found to overproduce the riboflavin, Micrococcus Luteus Gram Stain Characteristics, Micrococci have been isolated from the human skin, animal and dairy products, and in beer. "Pathogen Safety Data Sheets: Infectious Substances Micrococcus spp", "Genome sequence of the Fleming strain of Micrococcus luteus, a simple free-living actinobacterium", "Role of GC-biased mutation pressure on synonymous codon choice in Micrococcus luteus, a bacterium with a high genomic GC-content", "Reclassification of ATCC 9341 from Microccus luteus to Kocuria rhizophila", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Micrococcus_luteus&oldid=1132534318, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 January 2023, at 09:24. Alpha-hemolytic colonies often assume a greenish hue. Micrococcus luteus is another gram-positive coccus that also is catalase positive. The microdase test is a rapid method to differentiate Staphylococcus (-ve) from Micrococcus +ve) by detection of the enzyme oxidase. Although the Micrococcus rarely causes infections or problems in the body, with the compromised immune systems, it has been known to get certain skin infections that are caused by Micrococcus luteus. Some are based on monoclonal antibodies, and others on simple, rapid . M. luteus tests positive for catalase, oxidase, utilization of D-glucose, sucrose and D-mannose, and has A2 type peptidoglycan that contains L-lysine as the diagnostic amino acid, MK-8 and MK-8 (H 2) are the major menaquinones (Stackebrandt et al. The genera Staphylococcus, Micrococcus and Sarcina were recognized. Lab 11: Biochemical Tests (Day 2) - Biology LibreTexts The positive catalase result lines up with M. luteus (Public Health England). The bacterium also colonizes the human mouth, mucosae, oropharynx and upper respiratory tract. A rare case of prosthetic valve endocarditis is caused by Micrococcus luteus, it is described and compared with the few cases that are reported in the literature, as well as the clinical features, microbiological profile, therapy, and prognosis of common prosthetic valve endocarditis. Then to actually isolate a bacterium, I chose a colony from the initial plate and did a quadrant streak of it to further isolate the bacterium, and then incubated it at 38 degrees Celsius for a week. About half of the Micrococcus luteus gram stain was found to carry plasmids of about one to 100MDa in size. When looking back at all the data, it is fairly likely that the isolate is Micrococcus luteus, especially when looking at the fluid thyoglycate test, the colony morphology, and the antibiotic susceptibility. Bharath. Thank you for joining me, Karen Krisher, on this Pearl of Laboratory Medicine on Basics of Differentiation of Gram-positive Cocci.. In the final section of a study, it is essential to present important information, techniques, and variables. [8], Norwegian researchers in 2013 found a M. luteus strain that synthesizes a pigment that absorbs wavelengths of light from 350 to 475 nanometers. Kaiju webserver metagenome binning analysis chart. They grow in circular, entire, convex, and creamy yellow-pigmented colonies with diameters of approximately 4 mm after 2-3 days at 37C. Micrococcus luteus - Citizendium Characteristics. I used Prokka Genome Annotation to identify which genes are present in the bacterium, Kraken Metagenomics to identify what the DNA reads correlated to on different taxonomic levels, and SPAdes Genome Assembler to determine how many contigs were produced from the reads that were produced. Krona chart of microbe shows bacterial classes thought to be present in the sample. Rawis M, and AK Ellis (2019). When looking back after culturing the isolate, these hypothesies were supported by several of the tests, and served as a good tool to steer me towards what the isolate may be. Whereas the M. variant has a G-C content of about 66-72mol%. Micrococcus has a substantial cell wall in which it may comprise as much as 50% of the cell mass. All three types of hemolytic reactions are represented on this slide. It is Gram positive, Coagulase positive, catalase and oxidase positive non-motile bacteria. If an organism is capable of fermenting the sugar glucose, then acidic byproducts are formed and the pH indicator turns yellow. This fits well with where I sampled my bacterium from, as a shower drain is a place where both dust and water would accumulate, along with residues of skin glands from showering. They are normal inhabitants of the human body and may even be essential in keeping the balance among the various . The MacConkey agar is selective for gram-negative which is why my microbe didnt show much growth on it, and because it didnt change colors it means it didnt ferment the lactose. For the second control, 100 L of water sample dilutions were plated on agar-agar. The reactions of the four isolates indicated that they belonged to the species M. Zuteus (Kocur & Martinec, 1972). I isolated the DNA by lysing the cell and using the Power Sol DNA Isolation Kit to isolate the DNA from the other parts of the cell. Finally I used different antibiotic disks to check for its resistance to antibiotics, using Gentamicin, Cefoperazone, Vancomycin, Tobramycin, Amikacin, Trimethoprim, Oxacillin, and Cefazdin. Further tests that I would do would be testing how much heat resistance it has, the density of a broth suspended sample using a dilution series, test for more antibiotic resistances, and how well it can grow in antibacterial mediums and mediums of different pH levels. I used an oxidase test strip and water to determine if cytochrome C oxidase was present, and performed a catalase test to determine if catalase was present. Due to the thick structure of the bacterial cell wall, Gram-positive cocci retain the primary Grams stain, Crystal Violet. They are found in many other places in the, M. luteus has one of the smallest genomes of all the bacteria. We will discuss this shortly. download full PDF here, Some of the species of Micrococcus, such as M. luteus which is yellow in colour, and M. roseus which is red. When viewing the organism microscopically, the staining characteristics of the organism provide important information for identification. Micrococci have been isolated from the human skin, animal and dairy products, and in beer. Micrococci have Gram-positive spherical cells ranging from about 0.5 to 3 micrometers in diameter and typically appear in tetrads. CATALASE TEST: Catalases are enzymes that convert hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen gas. Staphylococcus aureus. Micrococcus | bacteria genus | Britannica [1] It is urease and catalase positive. The laboratory assay is performed by mixing a sample of the bacterial colony with a drop(s) of hydrogen peroxide placed on a microscope slide. Though today the immuno-compromised patients take the risk of the infection that has grown. The API 20 E test strip results revealed nothing about what the isolate uses as an electron acceptor because every result was negative, and that it likely only uses glucose as an energy and carbon source and oxygen as its electron acceptor. This is in agreement with a study by Mohana et al., (2013) who reported that the carotenoid pigments had antioxidant properties of Micrococcus luteus was reported at IC50 of 4.5mg/ml, also the . The Culture Collections represent deposits of cultures from world-wide sources. It is a gram positive, coccus shaped microbe, and contains catalase. Micrococcus Public Health Agency of Canada., Public Health England. The conflicting results of the metagenome binning and the catalase test influenced this mistake. Catalase, if present, will break down the hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. Micrococcus Luteus As a Cause of Recurrent Bacteremia - Lww Although of low virulence, the germs may become more pathogenic in patients with impaired resistance, colonizing the surface of heart valves. Microbiome 2(27). Micrococcus luteus is generally harmless but can become an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised people or those with indwelling catheters. The oxygen class and the gram positiveness of the microbe also matches up with that of Micrococcus luteus. They are positive for catalase and oxidase ( modified). Book a free counselling session. Micrococcus species are oxidase-positive, where these can be used to distinguish them from some other bacteria like most of the Staphylococcus species, which are generally oxidase-negative. As the microbe is gram positive this means that it has a large peptidoglycan layer and lacks a lipopolysaccharide layer. This is a test for aerobic (able to use oxygen) catalase-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus and Micrococcus. Basics of Differentiation of Gram Positive Cocci | AACC.org While defining the characteristics of the Micrococcus are the ability to produce acid aerobically from the aesculin hydrolysis, glucose glycerol, arginine dihydrolase, motility, major pigment production, and conversion of nitrate to nitrite. Staphylococci are either producers of the enzyme coagulase or non-producers. Another set of tests that I performed were physiological tests, including testing for oxygen class with fluid thyoglycate, checking for catalase using hydrogen peroxide, checking for cytochrome c oxidase using oxidase test strips, and using an API 20 E test strip to test for various different physiological traits such as Sulphur reduction, which had 20 different tests. The differentiation is based on the detection of the oxidase enzymes. Most of the species produce carotenoid pigments. 2. The oxidase test results suggest that the microbe does not contain oxidase, despite what the metagenome binning test showed. Streptococcus pneumoniae and a group of streptococci referred to as viridans (green) streptococci are examples of bacteria producing alpha-hemolysis. At U.S. Micro Solutions, our microbiology laboratory is a licensed, accredited source for thorough and accurate environmental testing . (2) Micrococcus spp. Micrococcus species are more sensitive to the Bacitracin while the staphylococci are resistant. 2014). 1. Micrococci can often carry plasmids that provide the organism with useful traits. However, the most promising antibiotic regimen that is proposed for the treatment of the Micrococcus luteus seems to be a combination of amikacin, vancomycin, and rifampicin. The skin infections or chronic cutaneous infections that are caused can result in pruritic eruptions of the skin in some of the areas as well as scattered papule lesions with or without central ulcerations. This is designated as beta ()-hemolysis. The Micrococcus genus is known to be found on dust particles, in water, on skin and skin glands in vertebrates, and some species can be found in milk. The colony forms as a yellow, shiny round blob. Gram Stain:Gram-positive cocci, arranged in clusters that differ from Staphylococcus. Results of the biochemical tests demonstrated that the M. luteus and M. varians strains could be distinguished by their actions on glucose and nitrate reduction (Table I). All of these are described in the lab 6 handout and were kept in the incubator at 38 degrees Celsius. Growth can produce colonies of a certain size and consistency, as well as pigmentation. They are found in many other places in the environment, including dust, water, and soil. The taxonomic assignment of this microbe was micrococcus luteus because it was the only bin that PATRIC gave. Staphylococcus epidermidis contains cytochrome c which leads to turned purple after oxidation. Welcome to Microbugz - Triple Sugar Iron Agar Test - austincc.edu This presentation will focus on the laboratory tests useful for the differentiation among the families as opposed to the more complicated differentiation and identification of the organisms within the different genera. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Sarah D. Perkins., Government of Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada. Micrococcus lutues are Gram positive cocci that are 0.5 to 3.5 m in diameter and arranged in tetrads or irregular clusters. M. luteus has a G-C content of about 65-75 mol%. Know more about our courses. The API test strips lack of results suggests that the I used the wrong test strip, I probably needed to use the Staph test instead of the Strep test, because the Strep test is for when Catalase is absent, but there could have been catalase present. M. luteus is considered an opportunistic pathogen that can be responsible for some of the nosocomial infections. We found this to be true because the filter paper turned blue, which showed that the species has the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme. They usually can occur in the irregular clusters, tetrads, and in pairs, where the individual cells are about one to 1.8 mm in diameter and these are usually non-motile and non-spore-forming in nature. If acid is produced, the pH indicator will turn yellow. Hemolysis is the lysis of the sheep erythrocytes within the agar by bacterial toxins (hemolysins) that are produced by the different genera of Gram-positive cocci. I grew my bacteria on an Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) plate to see if it could ferment lactose and if it could grow with methylene blue which selects for gram negative bacteria. They can be found in boiling hot springs; they can be found in frigid waters in the artic. Though not a spore former, the Micrococcus cells can survive for an extended period of time, both at refrigeration temperatures and in nutrient-poor conditions such as sealed in amber. Some of the Micrococcus are pigmented bacteria, for example, M. roseus produces reddish colonies and M. luteus produces yellow colonies. Bacteria Collection: NCTC 4351 Micrococcus luteus - Culture Collections The categorization of the Gram-positive cocci based on their possession of the enzyme catalase, a quality which can be easily assayed in the lab. Source publication +9 Isolation and Identification of Potential Pathogenic Bacteria in Living Carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) Sold in. Micrococcus luteus. Meningitis caused by micrococcus luteus: Case report and - IJMMTD Download Scientific Diagram from www.researchgate.net. Micrococcus luteus | Medical Laboratories Subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to receive updates. 2002). The Micrococcus strains isolated from various infections were most probably misclassified as staphylococci. Micrococcus luteus are Gram-positive cocci mostly arranged in tetrads and larger than Staphylococcus. The Genus Micrococcus | SpringerLink It is mostly Actinobacteria, but some Proteobacteria and Firmicules are in the sample as well. Micrococcaceae. Care must be taken when using a sample of organism acquired from a sBAP since erythrocytes also produce catalase. The M. luteus genome encodes about four sigma factors and fourteen response regulators, a finding indicative of the adaptation to a rather strict ecological niche. Basics of Differentiation of Gram Positive Cocci, Author: Karen Krisher I hypothesized that it would be a bacteria commonly found in the nasal cavities and likely from the aforementioned phyla, so it would likely do best living in an aerobic, humid, and warm environment. It is difficult to differentiate Kocuria from Micrococcus with conventional biochemical methods; therefore, these organisms are often reported together as Micrococcus/Kocuria species. It has been isolated from human skin. 91 988-660-2456 (Mon-Sun: 9am - 11pm IST), Want to read offline? . Several uncommon strains produce raised colonies with translucent, depressed centers. They are fairly ubiquitous in the environment, and are small (0.5 to 3.5 micrometers in diameter) and non-motile. Further biochemical tests to identify include the catalase and oxidase test, and typical tests of a "colorful series . Biochemical Test and Identification of Enterococcus faecalis The gram stain of this microbe showed that it is gram positive because it stained purple. Shape (Cocci/Diplococci/Rods) Cocci. Because of their diversity, there are a variety of biochemical tests that are used by laboratories to identify the Gram-positive cocci. Micrococcus lylaeare Gram-positive cocci mostly arranged in tetrads. Figure 2. Micrococcus spp. The fluid thioglycallate test showed that the bacteria was an obligate aerobe because the growth was concentrated at the top of the tube in the pink region. When a drop of peroxide is placed on catalase-producing bacteria, bubbles appear when the oxygen gas is formed. Three bacteria, E.coli, Staphylococcus epidermis, and Micrococcus luteus, have been grown on TSI or Triple sugar iron agar medium, which is a . Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties of Iranian Medicinal-Plants against Micrococcus Luteus, Serratia Marcescens, Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Bordetella Bronchoseptica.. Notice that beta-hemolysis results in a total lysis or clearing of the agar in the area of colony growth. PDF International Journal of Recent Scientific Research I repeated this process three more times to further purify the colony. It is essential for differentiating catalase-positive Micrococcaceae from catalase-negative Streptococcaceae. Environmental Isolate Case Files: Micrococcus luteus If the agar plate is held up to a light source, you can sometimes see through the agar, as is pictured on the left. These include the slide or drop catalase test, the tube method, the semiquantitative catalase for the identification of Mycobacterium, M. luteus played an important part in Flemings discovery of, A rare case of prosthetic valve endocarditis is caused by Micrococcus luteus, it is described and compared with the few cases that are reported in the literature, as well as the clinical features, microbiological profile, therapy, and prognosis of common prosthetic valve endocarditis. Online Copy of Unknown ID Chart.xlsx - Biochemical Pr In the presence of atmospheric oxygen, the oxidase enzyme reacts with the oxidase reagent and cytochrome C to form the coloured compound, indophenol indicated as blue or purplish-blue colouration on the disc after the introduction of the bacterial colony on the disc. Micrococcus., h. Shahidi Bonjar. The catalase test also indicated that the microbe does not have catalase, despite the metagenomic binning test suggesting it. They also produce yellow or pink colonies when they are grown on the mannitol salt agar, micrococcus flavus, M. terreus, and M. yunnanensis. The large polysaccharide molecule starch contains two parts, amylose and amylopectin, these are rapidly hydrolyzed using a hydrolase called alpha-amylase to produce smaller molecules: dextrins, maltose, and glucose. Reaction: To test for the presence of alpha amylase, a starch hydrolysis test can be performed. An interesting remaining family member, Microoccus antarcticus, was isolated from Antarctica, and is capable of growing at 4C. The MacConkey agar showed very little growth, and did not have a change in color, indicating that the microbe was gram positive and not a fermenter. The streptococci and enterococci are categorized by expression of either beta, alpha, or gamma hemolysis on sBAP, depending on the genus/species. Micrococcus are aerobic, Gram-positive cocci ranging in size from 0.5 to 2.0 m in diameter. Like all Staphylococci, S. saprophyticus is also clustering Gram-positive cocci, nonmotile, non-spore-forming, and .

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