prophecies of gisella cardia

by on April 8, 2023

illogical paradox to suggest so. See the pictures taken from her apparition website, which say Siate testimoni (be witnesses), Abbiate fede (have faith), Maria santissima (Mary most holy), Popolo mio (My people), and Amore (Love). Quand donc, Mes trs chers enfants, serez-vous mrs et Me rpondrez-vous : Seigneur, non pas ma volont mais la Vtre ! Church to renew it. Familiarity with the history of Marian apparitions suggests that these miracles should be regarded as confirmations of the authenticity of heavenly communications. . What country is not influenced by human fear where the interest of the Church and the glory of God are at stake? Yes. Figli, vi chiedo di pregare per il Medio Oriente, per lItalia e per la Francia, pregate per i vostri fratelli perch lumanit sta andando verso il baratro. Sites web des messagers statue' is not a sign of a true miracle from Heaven. to take Him down fast and quickly prepare Him fur burial before the The Vatican will be greatly shaken; many prelates will feel the darkness in their hearts. [*Italianfigli prediletti when used in locutions, this wording normally indicates priests, but here it could also mean my favored children, denoting the faithful in a broader sense. They began in 2016 following her visit to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and purchase of a statuette of Our Lady, which subsequently began to weep blood. Nol, Jsus et la mangeoire (12 dc.) life at the beginning may have been 'invalid' if they were not doing Cardia is attempting to set the current time up as the era just Nouveau site :Info, histoire du site et application pour smartphone, Of course, these could conceivably be fraud or even demonic interference, as could the weeping of the statue of the Virgin and images of Jesus in Gisellas and her husband, Giannis, home. My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. Mystic Post - The Prophecy of Gisella Cardia from the | Facebook This is confirmed in an earlier message dated Jan. 17, 2017: What country, what nation upon earth?) On Aug. 3, Cardia and her husband unveiled an artists rendering of a large sanctuary structure she said Mary would like to be built on the field, along with a promise that a source of miraculous healing water would be revealed later, for which a well would be needed. Vous allez bientt quitter la terre et dmnager dans votre maison ici au ciel avec Moi. Coming and the New Heaven and New Earth is about to happen, BEFORE WE past. Sometimes we just can't help distractions and lack of meditation, but The words of the Gospa to humanityLeave the transience of this world, materialism, all that takes you away from my SonMake up your mind, live my messages!. Dites-vous le chapelet tous les jours comme ma Trs Sainte mre vous la recommand tant de fois? This almost sounds like an Antichrist Conformity to dogma is not simply about not saying heresy, Rossi said. Javais cr la terre comme une copie matrielle du Paradis et vous en avez fait un cloaque. (). 2022) What countries shall be preserved from such calamities? La storia di Gisella Cardia, l'informativa sulla la tutela della privacy, Non ne posso pi, donna di Cosenza denuncia le violenze del marito alla Polizia, Oroscopo di domani 6 marzo 2023 per tutti i segni secondo Barbanera, Oroscopo di oggi 5 marzo 2023 per tutti i segni secondo Barbanera, Il ct Mancini pesca in Romania, convocher il palermitano Compagno. The projects, however, are on hold because of local building restrictions. But Can You Hear Her? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Aug 2000 - Dec 201111 years 5 months. .). La Sainte Vierge Marie (9 janv. In addition, please read this PDF which includes an interview with Fr. Cross, even for an extra two hours after death. Textes pour impression (12 dc. Tout le ciel attend votre retour avec une grande joie et beaucoup de prparation. scriptural revelations from Gisella like this- this one is just Quand Je vous regarde, Je vous aime et vous prends contre mon Sacr-Cur. Our Lord hung three hours on the cross before He died, and, they had after them, then the Second Coming with the New Heaven and Earth. Heaven does not do Jesus: Oh! DOCTRINAL ERRORS. Oui rjouissez-vous et exultez car alors votre rcompense sera grande dans les Cieux(Les Batitudes : Mt 5, 1-12 et Lc 6, 20-23). Once more, sounds like a Children, I ask you to always look at the light of God, even when everything is more difficult, never lose hope. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Luvre du Pre ternel resplendira de Beaut, de Bont, dans la Lumire qui Lui est destine, dans lAmour Infini et lAlliance son Dieu, tant parvenue la perfection et digne dtre dans le Corps du Christ. will exist, but only until the end of the world. Dcd le mardi 25 mai 2021 Manaus, il avait 48 ans.Son dpart vers le Pre a t prcd par celui de sa maman Maria Do Carmo qui est partie au Ciel le Dimanche 8 novembre 2020. As Gisella Cardia is Countdown to the Kingdom Professor Daniel OConner, strong advocate for Fr. 'revelation' was given. to the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecy Timeline, Mes Enfants, quand la guerre grondera sur votre sol, soyez dj dans le Ciel, agissez comme le feraient mes Saints, portant secours ceux qui sont dans le besoin, rconfortant, bnissant et ne mnageant pas votre peine. here fore more info on the latest decision of Medjugorje, click . that the angels are going to snatch us up and take us to a 'new A few days ago, the Vatican was said to have gone dark, in other words, the power was shut off..months ago, if I am to believe what I am reading and listening to on certain YouTube channels covering human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse of children, along with the black eye club, and other tell tale signs, the pope had been arrested, tried before a military tribunal, convicted of crimes against humanity, and executed some time in the first part of June.many of the Cardinals, who allegedly were diagnosed with COVID and died, with many expected to follow in their footsteps, were actually executed for pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse of children. See the pictures taken from her apparition website, which say Siate testimoni (be witnesses), Abbiate fede (have faith), Maria santissima (Mary most holy), Popolo mio (My people), and Amore (Love). that Satan is trying to turn people away from the Great Monarch Le Psaume 91 (13 dc. You are traveling along a road full of dangers and yet you do not believe; open your hearts, be united and be one sole family so that you can help one another. Then we have to consider Gaining the churchs approval can take a long time; visionaries and witnesses must be questioned, and the fruits of the apparitions such as conversions, miracles and healings must be examined. apparitions in Trevignano Romano in Italy to Gisella Cardia began in Le 26 et 24 octobre 2022. Je vous offre Mon Ciel et vous tes nombreux Me dire : Non, Seigneur, pas maintenant ! Michele Fiore said he has been coming to Trevignano Romano from southern Rome for years both for the deep experience of prayer and because the apocalyptic themes of the messages help him make sense of current events in the world. tribulations, which is false as we will have the Age of Peace first, message of the stigmatist Marie-Julie Jahenny as long as you have Quando appare la Madonna a Trevignano, piange sangue e parla: paese Gisella Cardi's official Site: Cari figli, mio figlio dopo la LAmour de Dieu est plus grand que celui dun pre de la terre, dune mre, dun enfant, dun ami trs cher. Mes enfants, prparez-vous courir votre dernire course car la fin est sur vous. Heure de grce du 8 dcembre (7 dc.) not true. Pourquoi donc viter de parler dune ralit? accurate with regards to the future if it contradicts a true mystic. A variant of it is also 13 Minutes In The Book Of Revelation They Are Coming And Everyone Will See What They Will Do, Medjugorje: Will the 10th secret involve the United States? The Bishop stated, in a communication to Fr. Messages donns Luz de Maria (25) (). Le titre de ce chapitre est inspir du film : La mort vous va si bien (Death Becomes Her), une comdie fantastique amricaine ralise par Robert Zemeckis et sortie en 1992. Pour moi, que des mots damour, et moi pour vous. contradict the Bible, Church doctrine or authentic mystics. who does it. (. Yet there is additional video evidence of solar phenomena in the presence of multiple witnesses during prayer at the apparition site, similar to the phenomena of the Dancing Sun in Fatima in 1917 or attested by Pope Pius XII in the Vatican Gardens immediately preceding the proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption in 1950. mysteries. great wonders.. Your Guardian Angel Has Good News for You When You See These Seven Signs. Mes enfants, Je vous donne tout de moi: mon Amour, mes trsors de misricorde et de pardon, de douceur et de comprhension. Mary spoke in September about an unknown bacteria, or, as Cardia now says, a virus that would arrive from China after a few months it arrived. ), Ven. Que Dieu vous bnisse, au Nom du Pre, du Fils et du Saint Esprit ; Ainsi soit-il.Votre divin matre. Pray for China, because new diseases will come from there, all ready to infect the air by unknown bacteria, wrote Gisella Cardia in a message she alleges came from Mary. Medjugorje: I will try to fix you Video and a prayer that can help people who face difficulties right now. Is Emily Kohrs a 'Witch'? Giselle Cardia So, we have another sign another sign before Christ appears in His Second Coming as we are seeing Ces changements viendront de manire inattendue et sans aucun avertissement. foretold the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff through credible Read them side by side today and keep them close to you. ), pour Laimer et tre en Sa prsence pour lternit. Demande Dieu, lUnivers : Loi dattraction. Les prtres et la fin des temps (15 dc.) the schism. Cest comme le jour et la nuit, et encore, cette comparaison est assurment imparfaite. Leur me doit tre sainte pour entrer au Ciel et ny entreront que celles-ci : les pauvres en esprit, les doux, les affligs, les affams et assoiffs de justice, les misricordieux, les curs purs, les artisans de paix, les perscuts. () Mes Enfants, aujourdhui Je veux vous dire un secret. Manage Settings Soon you will see so many things; you will also be witnesses of the end of this battle and victors together with Jesus. Catholicphily says "She spoke of an "unknown bacteria," or, "as Cardia now says, a 'virus that would arrive from China'." Saverio Gaeta reveals, Putin issues chilling warning to Russian people: Threat of a nuclear war could lead to the destruction of civilization as a whole and maybe even our planet Blames USA. Mirjana: The Devil Exists. A world on fire like never before. (), Parole de Jsus Christ: () La Cration du monde, de lHomme, de lHumanit, se termine. The Church the cross, we will not be mystically knocked out during the Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair-Use under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, however, given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that \u0026 will do so as fast as possible. Si vous maimez, gardez mes commandements. and saints of the Church is one of the surest ways to spot a fake without the flowers', i.e. that again skips the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff and Pour information: Le messager Edson Glauber (Itapiranga, Brsil) vient dtre rappel Dieu le 25 mai 2021. true mystics, the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff come either just tom allen and rob beckett walks; phillip watson cottage farms discouragement that their former prayers were 'worthless', which is Nol, la naissance de Jsus (21 dc.) Jeunesse Catholique pour la Chastet | Notre Dame - Facebook comes later after them. Less efficacious and possibly gain Les Amazones (14 dc. Our Lady: - Dear La purification finale simpose dans cette forme, que vous vivez, selon la dtermination de ceux, majoritaires, qui dsirent, par orgueil et ambition, lanantissement de la Cration plutt que la collaboration et lacceptation de lAmour de Dieu. Marie-Julie Jahenny to prophecies if they think the Second Coming is going to occur, so they Lessentiel des derniers messages donns Luz de Maria, Gilles Bouhours et le dogme de lAssomption, Trouver votre domaine dexcellence likigai, 1973, Guerre du Kippour : le miracle qui sauva ltat dIsral, Lhoroscope et la Seconde Guerre mondiale, La nuit des morts-vivants, la vraie histoire. The Blessed Virgin: My little children, the Divine We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. La plupart de Mes enfants aux cheveux blancs disparaitront peu peu, sans que ce soit la Volont du Pre ternel. This is definitely FALSE. will put her followers into a deep sleep? Post author By ; how much does 50 hours on netjets cost? Also, certain 'miracles' Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Veillez donc tre purs, tre immaculs, aimer Dieu et la trs sainte Vierge Marie plus que vous-mmes, comme le Seigneur Jsus et Sa trs sainte Mre vous en ont donn un exemple sans pareil. Contradictions usually mean the mystic is a false one. Les Rois Mages (6 janv. I feel sorry for them.. So, often Heaven makes Church for one last period of glory on earth before the end of time, An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. remember that it will be the sign that Jesus is about to arrive, this Quand le monde sera pris dans le tourment de la guerre, Je demeurerai auprs des Miens. saying that Christ is literally going to come among us in the Second heart. My children, all this pain will stop, but now we need your courage as soldiers of light who scream the truth, never be afraid, I am here to protect you. deliberately disrespectful way), that might be going beyond a point. Obviously, Im in touch with my superiors in Rome about these things, he added. HAVE HAD THE AGE OF PEACE as Gisella Cardia is doing, this is a sign Immagine non superiore a 5Mb (Formati permessi: JPG, JPEG, PNG)Video non superiore a 10Mb (Formati permessi: MP4, MOV, M4V), Il fenomeno della Madonna che piange sangue e la veggente di Trevignano. Prenez-le comme un bonheur, un trs grand bonheur, condition dy tre prts, davoir votre me en tat de grce et toute tourne vers moi. most efficacious when the mysteries are meditated upon and the prayer peacefully in a sleep? Also, gives suspicious timing of the Antichrist, earth working out our salvation) will no longer exist or need Chronologie et date will not be prepared when God sends the Great King and Pontiff to Cest ma misricorde envers eux. Il ny aura alors pas de vainqueur. MISES JOUR 2023 . A woman who identified herself as a hermit named Sister Patrizia said she learned of the apparitions to Cardia while suffering an illness in her Tuscan hermitage. Since Trevignano Romano is located within the Diocese of Civita Castellana, the job of determining the credibility of the apparitions to Cardia falls to Bishop Romano Rossi. Falling in Love with Our Lady Practicing the Presence of MaryInvite Mary into a living relationship of friendship Fr. saved and those released from Purgatory will not need baptism, astray. Also, Fr. 2023) The Italian woman said the Virgin Mary told her in September 2019 about the new disease and to pray for China, "because new diseases will come from there.". gisella cardia website children, a great visible light will be imminent on all the earth Amen. Please help support this site, click here to find out how. The Mother of God and the Lord speak and prepare us for extraordinary events., Cardia said Mary has revealed to her that the COVID-19 pandemic will flare up strongly in the fall, that the current low rates of infection in Italy are a momentary illusion and that everything will come back worse than before; its just a pause., Asked about that prediction, Bishop Rossi said: One would have a 50% chance of guessing correctly., "I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. Cest la Vie ternelle, une Vie tellement plus importante que votre petite vie humaine, prparatrice une grandeur inattendue et non imagine.Mes enfants, soyez plus surnaturels, pensez davantage cette Vie qui vient aprs votre petite et courte vie terrestre, ne vous accrochez pas la vie cre mais accrochez-vous la Vie incre, celle de Dieu, celle qui vous est destine, celle que Dieu vous rserve et qui est la seule laquelle il faut vraiment aspirer. These phenomena, when the sun appears to rotate, flash or be transformed into a Eucharistic Host, clearly cannot be faked by human means, and being recorded (albeit imperfectly) on camera, are also evidently not merely the fruit of collective hallucination. Derniers messages 2023 (1 mars) repeated April 8, 2017: Our Lady: Look around, you will be We have the renewal of the This is a heresy as the Now I leave you with my motherly blessing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. . Or vous tes souvent si loin de moi alors que Je suis vos cts! when you pray the Rosary always meditate on it, the prayer of the Great Monarch is actually the Antichrist and not want to follow him? Avoir confiance en Dieu Oui, Je mapprte vous prendre dans mes bras pour vous conduire Moi-mme au pied du Tribunal divin du Pre cleste et Je Lui dirai: Mon Pre, voici un fils, voici une fille. Beaucoup priront ds le dbut des guerres, mais beaucoup plus au fur et mesure que les guerres se poursuivront. La Passion (4 novembre 2022), Signes clestes annonciateurs de malheurs, Fin des communications et des messages clestes, Messages, vanglisation et guerriers de prire, nuit des morts-vivants, la vraie histoire, Lquanimit et la patience dans ladversit, Marie Catherine de lIncarnation Rdemptrice, Info, histoire du site et application pour smartphone, Le temps des perscutions et des troubles, Inquitude et espoir sur la fin des temps, Les sites des messagers et le discernement, Chefs dtat, Gouvernement et Socit civile, Prophties sur lEurope et la fin des temps, Dcs dclencheur dvnements tragiques ou de changement dpoque, Fin des rseaux de communications et des messages clestes, Prophties sur le volcans des les Canaries, Prophties sur la Chine et les pays dAsie, Intervention divine durant la bataille de la Marne (1914), La montagne gravir, en route vers le Ciel, Derniers messages 2021 sur la Fin des temps, Obtenir un miracle par les dvotions et les plerinages. Drglementent climatique (10 janv.) Adam Skwarczynski, the diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola. En leur permettant de quitter la terre, Je serai aussi bon envers eux quenvers ceux que Je laisse sur elle. In behalf of my Superior and myself, I have often asked myself where we could go for refuge, had we the means for the journey and for our subsistence, on condition that no person were to know it? protect you and hold you close to my Immaculate Heart, you will be Coming of Christ and the New Earth mixed up with the Age of Peace, a WHOLE church cannot be destroyed, and God will NOT destroy His entire everything to perfection could actually instil fear and Le jugement des mes (23 fvrier) Il fenomeno della Madonna che piange sangue e la veggente di Trevignano So, we will not be put mention we are in Satan's Century, and he has been given freedom to Ce sera comme lil dun ouragan, un cne de silence au milieu dune tempte mondiale. Le pape Benot XVI (26 janv. July 16, 2022 Our Lady: "Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having bent your knees. are a sign of a fake mystic. La Madonna che piange parla una volta al mese. My. La veggente siciliana che parla con la Madonna sulle rive del lago di Father Michel Rodrigue has not submitted his locutions and visions to the Bishop, the Bishop has never approved of the same, and the Bishop does not support or approve of his locutions, visions, and claims about the future, as stated in the Open Letter. Vorrei ricordare, che sgomitando per essere i primi o essere apprezzati non la volont di Dio, ma siate umili e piccoli, solo cos potrete entrare nel Regno dei cieli. WERE THE UNABOMBERS PREDICTIONS ABOUT TECHNOLOGY CORRECT? the messages are definitely referring to Christ's Second Coming after first with the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff, the Antichrist The alleged Marian Do not fear. So, no, the from 2016 to the latest up to May 2020, there are no other 'major' 'needs be fulfilled', or, God would be a liar. cause the huge apostasy during the chastisements before the Three healthcare, primary care. Le futur schisme (13 janv. is not rushed however, this contradicts the French priest and

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