beautiful woman with borderline personality disorder

by on April 8, 2023

This would quickly give way to the merry-go-round, the fear of being left alone. The author, Zach's wife suffers from BPD: "Having lived through it, I can tell you that the end result is a battered, beaten shadow of a man who, at his lowest, believes every James I can understand where you are coming from. I am only speaking for myself, that the day I realized this was bigger than me, my whole world crashed. Silver Linings Playbook follows Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper), a man withbipolar disorderwho was recently hospitalized andTiffany Maxwell (Jennifer Lawrence), awoman whomany believe exhibits symptoms of BPD though she is not given a specific diagnosis in the movie. I let rip over a number of texts, yet she still resumed attempts to communicate via text / calls? You understand therefore significantly in relation to this subject, made me personally believe it from a lot of various angles. Fred, thats a great question. Rather, these instances that seem like manipulations are desperate attempts to get what they need to feel good, to escape psychological pain. BPD Is Still A Controversial Diagnosis For Black Women - Refinery29 I take more than I give. Everyone has arguments. But I am more than happy to answer any questions you have on your healing process by email. They have extraordinary abilities to figure out what to say to speed things along, even if it means saying they want things to go slowly. I guess I wonder how she kept it together for 12 years before I entered the picture (though I know I am not the first man she has let into her and her sons life). These individuals can and often do create real harm for a partner who leaves. Some are ready and able given the right partner mix, others still need to learn the hard way. My wife is highly intelligent and has a good career in health care. Thats what a women with BPD needs so stop making us feel like we arent worthy of love because we are just as worthy as you and this ridiculous article along with these truly pathetic and non-factual comments are part of the reason this mental health illness exists. It would be nice if the moral of this story was just that easy. Generally inversing the main gender tendency too! Borderline Personality Disorder is no longer considered a chronic illness. A log of blogs are full of people who are just spewing anger because they have been hurt. I posted on one of your other posts about the fact that I have recently broken up a three year relationship with a person who checks all the boxes and then some for BPD. Its just a crap game all around, these days even good matches arent lasting. I guess when we got back together the emotions she was experiencing thwarted any flashbacks she might have had. Ok so you think its classic signs of BPD but instead just traits etc. Its only since we split 4 months ago that I ve sat back and actually thought about it all moreso. He becomes convinced that she is simply mistaken about his intentions. Although we usually assume high emotionality would be an asset in a relationship because it motivates loving behavior, too much emotionality actually turns out to be a liability. I went into a panic when they actually walked away. The one question I cant find an answer to is why do women with BPD bother to get onto relationships when they know they are going to fail? Does she really feel, in the moment, the things she is saying, or is it a carefully planned manipulative scheme? Ash, thank you so much for your very insightful input on this blog post and the others as well. But whether a womans sensitivities are severe enough to warrant a diagnosis or not, the psychological effect on their partner is quite damaging. After our first break up, I was devastated. I begged. | Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies seem to be the a common theme regarding BPD and other impulsive people. We have been addressing natural selfishness in relationships, but now lets take a look at another form of built-in egocentric behavior. Phil, I wish I could take all the credit for my accuracy. I lived with a woman I think had aspects of BPD for 8 years of a nearly 10-year relationship. Do you hear this a lot where these type of women offer to be friends? So according to you, I showed how much of a man I am and all I got in return was a repeat of the first time. The more I loved her, the further away she went. Although there has not been an official diagnosis thus far I have a close relationship with someone who I suspect could have BPD. I havent been supportive as hes trying to go to school. There was a time during this period where I denied her of something and got offended by how mean she reacted. I am always available through email for any questions or concerns regarding these techniques. Girl, Interrupted is set in the 1960s and follows Susanna Kaysen (Winona Ryder), a woman diagnosed withborderline personality disorder(BPD) during her stay in a psychiatric hospital following hersuicideattempt. Any man reading this wpuld of course run away from a partner with bpd if it was put like this! You can lead a great life with a sensitive, intense, hyperbolic. That being said, even if I am to fall in love, I would never pursue it, but force my feelings down. She makes her decisions off those incredibly sensitive emotions that she is feeling at that time. I believe strongly that my ex now has BPD. Anger in a family can be somewhat contagious, and partners and even children can get caught up in these cycles. JT, youre exactly right. Even a Doctor said of her, if she put as much work into making her relationships work as she does into finding new men she would be worth working with. Thank you Im truly sorry to all about all this but I will never love another more then I was in love with her ! This article describes in perfect detail a five month long relationship I had with a girl with BPD last year. Hope my story helps those that are facing a similar situation. Because you live with BPD., Im recently diagnosed bpd.. Mighty contributor Megan Glosson, who lives with BPD herself, wrote about this in her piece, 6 Obvious Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms That Wreck-It Ralph Displays, mood swings, rage, impulsiveness, promiscuity, relationship problems, but also intense desire to be loved., In his article for Psychology Today called, , Prozac Nation I think has the best depiction of BPD. A woman with borderline personality disorder shares what it's like to fall in love for her. Best of luck in your recovery. Borderline Personality Disorder in Women | BPD in Women - Cadabams Its like men and women arent involved unless it is one thing to do with Woman gaga! The con is that particular girl not everyone with bpd, I struggle with some of the typical BPD traits (as I really think so many women and men do in some ways) and have a history of many 2-3 year relationships with nice guys. Im now dating a nice guy who has strong boundaries and a strong sense of self, while also being informed, caring, firm, kind, understanding and consistent. He doesnt allow himself to get entangled in my stuff because he has the confidence to know that its my stuff and not his. Women With Traits of BPD Why Did She Lie, Breakups With Women With Traits of BPD Five Misconceptions That Keep Men From Letting Go and Moving On, Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of BPD: How to Let Go of the Good Times, Identifying Traits of BPD In Women Before Relationship Commitment, Romantic Idealization And Devaluation In Women With Traits of BPD. You can lead a great life with a sensitive, intense, hyperbolic or any temperament for that matter with hard work, grit, endurance, tenacity, and the willingness to get uncomfortable. Young beauty woman with borderline personality disorder As anyone would say, it was like walking on eggshells. As time went on in the first few months, I would get love bombed like crazy. After reading all the attacks you sustained just for expressing you feelings, I realized theres so much more that needs to be done to help people understand our affliction. Or perhaps you know someone in this situation? Nice-guy types are often convinced that the world is filled with people who love to give without expecting anything in return. Its almost as if they are so trained in manipulation, its become second nature due to their subconscious. Dont you want. Those highs and lows can lead to a mild form of psychological addiction even in those who did not have addictive natures before their relationship. I am also with someone who knows these things about me and is willing to help me learn to deal with them and perhaps change my mind set. Shortly before breakup she told me that we should go back to the start cause we had lost respect for eachother what she meant was she had lost respect for me because she was cheating at this time but I didnt know or hindsight perhaps I shoulda given her an ultimatum to shape up or ship out were are done now its been 16 months with 13 nc and she imeadiately entered into new relationship which appears to be going well he is a drinker like her and much wealthier than me plus they share mutual friends.. @50 Im fearful of dating plus have no idea where to start as I dont drink and over the bars and clubs, Im very lost and only feel marginally better than I did after the break. I wish I could fix myself and save the marriagewe have 2 young kids. Note To Readers: Id like to take a moment to thank all of you who have taken the time to post in my comments section. She has never apologized to us after her outbursts but as long as she is respectful we dont require an apology. Especially when I would occasionally defend his recent behaviours (which were no more egregious than forgetting to do the dishes, or coming home later than his curfew). I just have to move on and hopefully one day we can be friends. As a person with BPD I can safely assure you that we most certainly do not enter a relationship to con anyone! Know everything will be alright now. 6. And unfortunately, this is where you seem to be. Another one was not so much like that but hurt herself on purpose to get sympathy, but kinda hit the nail on the head for the borderline description. I hope you will read up on this tendency and protect yourself as best you can. I find all this very bizarre at someone who really wanted me. How can you be sleeping? Of course, this is easiest and most efficient when the person expresses their feelings articulately, but many individuals have difficulty doing so. Its like this day in, day out. Struggling with unstable self-image or identity. This is really a time when a professional needs to be brought in to help you make the decisions you need to move yourself out of this situation. Your hobby is embarrassing (she introduced me to hobby as a Xmas gift) Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for therapy or clinical services. Most are completely unaware and lack the insight about it, if they did they wouldnt have the problem or you couldnt really call the borderline. So fed up of people like you demonising us when you havent got a clue. I was wrong. Thank you a thousand times for your work and the kindness you have exhibited by posting your research and learning for all to see. Why is this?? In the process both people grow and move forward and that is a big achievement given the constraints that are overcome. (She did have a habit of blaming others for anything negative that happened & never taking responsibility for it, an example of how ridiculous this got was blaming the credit card for the bankruptcy she incurred.) Were only a few months in, but so far, so good. I hope some other (exs) partners etc can relate as I find it very helpful to read such things. If you would like to hear more then would be nice to talk. One of the main characters, who played the part of the one-night stand, then becomes full-on obsessed and infatuated with the married man she slept with once. Matthew Busch photographed a woman living with borderline personality disorder. I dont think that was the intention, but it looked that way. The film is known for themes of teenage angst and self-destruction, and was loosely based on Reeds life from ages 12 to 13. Even before we got back together and were just talking she would hint at wanting to see me but never actually say it even though she is the one that left. Other times where she would think I was ignoring her, I was met with rage that you would expect from a 12 year old. When he decided it was time to go, it was all over. Hypersexuality is very common in women with traits BPD. One chil is old enough to have her own personality and my wife has been accusing her of breaking promises, but of course, to a 4 year old this is unfathomable. I took care of all her needs, supported her as best as I could, fell in love and in the end was left devalued, hurt, and with no understanding of what really happened. Women with BPD attract narcissistic men. When a woman with traits of BPD is in her happy mood, yes, she is 100 percent feeling it. Yeah, I didnt do everything right for sure, nobody does, but I deserved so much better. Id be interested on what Nicola makes of the above from an objective point of view. Did You Know Anxiety Can Enhance Our Relationships? Thank you so much for giving me insight into this. Another painful thing is she is so nice to her friends and bubbly and I just didnt see any of that!! I am good at picking out the perfect makeup/clothes to bring it out. The hardest part is accepting that the good times were likely predicated on her narcissistic tendency for prevarication and the bad times were a result of her need to back peddle and distance herself from the very arrangement she insisted on unconditional love and acceptance. You quickly work out its ALL about them! Frequently, clients attempt to date me but I feel they are only trying to scam me out of paying for my service. Although your closeness to her is triggering her fears and sensitivities, your ability to trigger her also means that you are capable of helping her get over the fears that are causing her to lash out. I wish I could point you to some useful books, but this is a very new area of study and people are only just beginning to understand what is behind this relationship dynamic. If your girlfriend is acting in defensive ways due to oversensitivity but in the rest of her life she behaves in a healthy way, then using these techniques to help her get over her fear of betrayal of you is a viable option. Remember to spread the word that BPD/CPTSD/EUPD are all disorders that hurt, though that we can recover from with tenacity, patient endurance, and hard work! Personally I dont think its possible to have a ltr with a bpd unless the non will just accept a life of pain and grief and just be the doormat , Id rather be single than have a life of regrets , thats just my story and I dont know any other bpds personally so cant comment Please remember that this podcast is not a replacement for therapy or clinical services. Anytime I challenged her she would turn it back on me but i stuck by her until the last 2 weeks. The actual requests in question, such as that particular pair of shoes or the milk were not relevant. It is providing some answers and healing for those that got no closure at all. .what I didnt discover till a month later is that she had been cheating for at least 6 months with multiplesshe finally admitted to cheating with one random she picked up after I presented evidence but Im sure there was another but didnt have evidence..3 months prior to break I caught her setting naked pics and bedroom secrets to an ex ,she was blind drunk at time so I called her up on it the next day.she denied any knowledge of having done it and when presented with the msg was not apologetic nor distressed she dismissed it as a drunken mistake and that was that..I tried to get her to open up as to why but she refused to discuss it further saying she loved me.. During last 2 years of Rs she became drunk at least weekly and hurled insults at me such as in fact, I did not become full bpd until age 26 when I had to give up my autistic children. When I pointed out the ward was in quarantine and no one had been visiting for that time, she immediately went onto something else and left shouting she wont be back- she will. I am amazingly beautiful, so much that I am up there in attractiveness as many celebrities. BPD women I guess fit this mold from the start very well. She told me few things about herself that she has been with many many guys before and she all called them abusers, and narcissists etc. In other words they dont discount the past history as much as they block it out. I suppose I suffer from this nice guy syndrome. And how much you decide to take from them is factored by your degree of natural co- dependency. Old Medication, New Use: Can Prazosin Curb Drinking? She may have kicked you to the curb in anger. Check out this article for confirmation of this assertion: In this episode, I revisit how to make resolutions that are achievable and based in truth/ from a wise mind perspective. Thank you Joanna for sharing your great insight into a disorder that is very confusing to so many men. She has said some terrible things. This is so inaccurate, because it is possible with the right treatment. Do you think there is any way to reach her given her enabling relationship with her new husband & lack of self awareness? Ive been reading your well written & quite helpful blog for most of the afternoon & have found it quite insightful & useful. Women on the spectrum of BPD are neither victims that we should pity nor are they evil monsters. The myth of the nice-guy type as an unhealthy or codependent individual creates an easy way out of dealing a social problem that needs some very serious public attention. The nice guy type will avoid obviously insecure people and seek out those who are loving and kind, just like them. Your comment wreaks of a whoa is me attitude. I was constantly complained about being lazy, not doing anything around the house, not doing chores her way, not paying attention to her needs, not talking to her, not sharing, lying, being unfaithful. Wow. Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits Of Borderline Personality Disorder? I really need some advice on what the best option is for me, and my childs future. There is no way to tell whether she has BPD, but she certainly demonstrated the behaviors associated with it. I have just ended a 1.5 yr relationship with a girl who I believe has the same issue. The stigma around BPD is unjustified because there is a good prognosis. How difficult it is to get a MALE doctor to listen to you instead of prescribing antidepressants? It seems as though you have had a lot of experience with men who have this problem. I had never noticed this sort of extreme emotionality before the marriage, in fact she was rather a meek & mild depressive. . Demonizing this disorder doesnt help to educate anyone and it certainly doesnt encourage understanding or healing. So, there is nothing wrong with being a nice guy. Most women who are diagnosed with BPD want to change in order to be able to live their everyday life without debilitating pain. If youre relatively normal enough : ) imagine your stronger emotions always dialled- up x 5!! I observe, like all pathologicals, *they are primarily guided by EXTREME self-interest* but this is dressed -up in their own particular way. It was the fifth devaluation, and even with the relationship being an arms length one, this latest one was enough for me and I set her very straight on that fact! Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness. We both live in London UK. Mighty community member Kellyann N. shared that mental health professionals have explained BPD using Anakin Skywalker (a.k.a. One way to do this is by asking directly. You will find that they will twist all arguments into being your fault and sometimes to the point of asking yourself am I really that stupid when it comes to women? But you will soon realize that if you address some of your flaws that are flaws but they are really overreacting to, they will jump on something else. An hour later, according to her shift in mood, is raging and attacking you First time was to check out my Testosterone ,and other things like thyroid etc, everything came back normal, then she wanted me to start taking Viagra, but i didnt want to it was against my will, wanted to turn into holistic help instead. If there is closeness, which is usually a goal of friendship, the same triggers will be set off as in a romantic relationship, although to a milder degree. I only recommend these techniques when there is a long-term relationship or children involved or a financial crisis upon divorce. However, once this motivation dies down, they lack the skills to sustain their focus on their partners needs. After a while, Bella discovers she can hear Edwards voice when shes engaging in risky behavior. To me it portrayed a side. Those with borderline personality disorder have problems regulating emotional impulses and often experience rocky relationships. I would stop eating to become thinner and more attractive. It is very difficult for women anywhere on the spectrum of BPD to recognize the difference between being supportive of ones spouses long-term goals and dreams and supporting any impulse or momentary urge they may have. This article is the most illuminated one Ive found that addresses the dynamic of these relationships and the role I played: The Nice Guy. If your wife was vomiting all night from cancer chemo, yelling at you because of the terminal illness, would you feel the same and want to leave her? Every item that you said, It looked like X about was accurate. BPD and Lying: How It Affects Relationships - Verywell Mind Because Ive been really just thinking at times is it just me and finding it hard to really believe my own thoughts because she was denying everything. They tend to experience constant longing for connection. The sense of self is defined by what others want rather than personal choices, preferences, and perspectives. I joined The Mighty because I believe storytelling is a powerful tool in raising awareness about mental health and trauma. I will never really figure her out. Both my husband and I were walking on eggshells with our daughter. In my experience, and even other women Ive observed, men are only looking to use women for sex and theyll say anything to get it. Borderline personality disorder has a dangerous effect when it is left untreated. Living With a Wife with Borderline Personality Disorder But in order to move on, I just have to know if any of it was real. Well a lot of the time anyway. Most people assume that there must be something wrong with men who stay in relationships with women who have traits of borderline personality disorder, men who know the right move is to leave but who find themselves unable to let go. Dissociating or having an out of body, disconnected from yourself-type feeling. I understand violence is not the answer (my sister and moms dog can set me off). Lately she has told one of her siblings that she is considering reaching out to us. One previous meds she was full of rage, raging over everything, now utterly depressed. Everything I say is truth. Am I forever doomed to pay the price for being a Nice Guy? The reason we call them nice guys is based on their ability to act nice even when they arent feeling at their best. i.e. After our first break up, she bought a house with a guy after only 6 months into the relationship. Colleen, Im glad to hear you are taking care of yourself and getting help. Unfortunately, nice-guy types such as yourself will always be vulnerable to women with traits of BPD. 3. Well, her version of that is to feel she cant handle life and she hates you! Both have choices to make if they value the relationship and each other. Joe, thanks for your very relevant contribution to this discussion. After years of marriage, five years ago my wife started quickly to show intense BPD characteristics. Because women with traits of BPD are not capable of withstanding any kind of betrayal, the nice-guy types ability to override selfish impulses and give to her consistently turns him into her perfect knight in shining armor. Ive been in therapy eight years, and Ive made a lot of progress, however, I still have a long way to go. I really could not see how things were going to get better but I do still miss her. I get treatment for anxiety, I have a little social phobia, not that I dont like other people, I just dont care for large crowds of strangers, this makes me somewhat of a homebody. The 2 Most Psychologically Incisive Films of 2022, The Surprising Role of Empathy in Traumatic Bonding. They run into terrible problems with over-trusting. I feel its important to tell my partner, Im having a problem & things dont look right in my mind. Now, that doesnt mean I overcome every emotion or BPD related thought or action. My mom has borderline too, and she manages to keep her relationship standing. So here I am. The problem for you to find a lasting relationship is similar to the problem I have finding one, Im OCD, Im very protective over my possessions as they seem to be the only lasting thing besides my immediate family, I usually dont trust other women, and Im pretty care free, I dont take small things and turn them into big things. For this reason it can be very healing to read the stories of other men who have broken up with women who have these traits. Story highlights. Especially, when a catch a lie or something just doesnt make sense. She would phone me up saying that I dont support her and am cold towards her. I would not be where I am today with my mental health recovery and journey if it was not for the ways Rose stepped in. She spent the next month in the psych ward. I put myself in my exs shoes through our entire relationship. Because, take it from me, if you dont and she does the ending, it will take you a lot longer to recover from the experience. I do believe she ended it before she thought I would, just like the first time. I shall in future however, many many thanks. In order to understand why so many nice-guy types stay in abusive relationships with women with traits of BPD we must first understand a second universal human frailty. I dont know what to do for the best.

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