fantasy magic system generator

by on April 8, 2023

However, if theyre asymmetric, I think its important to establish why. This then leads to the problems with conservation of energy and relativity I mentioned earlier of course, were working with magic, so these may not be insurmountable issues, but they need to be considered, as I want this universe to be mostly like ours in situations in which magic is not involved. You can make it mysterious just by hiding how it operates. The farther an individual cause the needle to drift towards imbalance, the more force shall be exerted on that individual until the balance is restored through redistribution. Blood is messy and sticky and gets in the carpets and really why would anyone who doesnt consume it like a vampire want it as payment? One of them is how I believe that the tips given may not be universal. Shapechangers all use either the strong or weak nuclear forces, and telekinetics and poltergeists use gravity. It would foreshadow his powers at the end of the story, when he faces off against Voldemort controlling all types of magic. but humanity is creative and designs massive jammers that are able to disable the nanites that enter within X radius of them. We'll also throw some brainstorming questions your way to help get those magical creative juices flowing! And that should be all, if anyone can help me with the names of the entire concept, please do. There's a wide range of elements you can change to make your magic system unique, whether it's how it is wielded, what its source is or even what types of spells are used. The thing is, I believe that what seems natural in these cases can depend on culture and perhaps even species. 7 Ways To Create A Magic System For Your Novel 1. This creative freedom is exciting, but it also requires a lot of world building work to invent a fleshed out and textured fantasy world. Its easy to handle in books, because author can just describe the effects. Tell us about them in the comments below. Some will desire fresh milk, and it will not be possible to have fresh milk for all, unless we have the bottles of Rhinnon Rhin Barnawd, wherein no liquor ever turns sour. For some systems it could be obvious: for example, as I understand, in the Avatar those guys can control existing non-magical things (water, air, fire, earth). Learn everything you need to know about grammar. Group C can use magic although they have to learn to use it and still have to have enough counsciousness to grab this feeling and utilize it. Youll have to figure out exactly what characteristic weft threads are adding, but thats completely doable. Hey everyone! However, it makes it harder to build tension when power levels can change at any given moment as needed, especially at climaxes, where emotions will naturally be high. Demigods have partial powers, which they inherit from their Olympian parents. They arent all knowing like gods so you have to talk to them directly. For a small redistribution of energy or matter, this is hardly a large price to pay. For this reason, it is particularly dangerous to withhold kinetic energy and should be redistributed as soon as possible else you risk dismemberment from energy escaping randomly). Most magic systems fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. You have the damage dealer, usually a mage, who can deal out a lot of damage, but has weak health and often limited choices in armour, making them vulnerable in a battle. ), Im just really curious to know more about your magic! Do magic users have their own language, religion, festivals, and/or other cultural hallmarks? Worldbuilding, Avatar, Magic, Magic Systems. A strong starting point in order to define your world as "other" to our own is selecting your world's name. Paint can be metaphysical meaning that 0.0005% of the entire population can dabble in spirits though most choose not to. But because of Saurons _spiritual_ and _moral_ corruption, ADDED to the fact that dis werent no ordinary Elfk, Luthien was able not only to win handily but to pretty seriously humiliate Sauron before his boss (no other than Morgoth, the Satan figure in Tolkiens universe, Old Scratch himself) by the pathetic ease by which she shelled him? In Game of Thrones, the red woman throws leaches into a fire, and later several lords die far away. Its a common trap that many authors using emotion-based powers fall into its tempting to create a sudden dramatic reversal of a seemingly hopeless situation with a method the fundamental rules of the story allows for at any time. Players cast spells by arranging corresponding runes in different configurations to express the Spells intention, With the Runes inter-playing off each other in a Rock/Paper/Scissor manner. Dragon breeds or races (this is with Borne magic): How does a user summon magic, and how does that magic manifest (i.e. That can have a lot of applications. Magic can be taught and learned, though whether or not a persons good at it depends on their study/training, and their innate talent for the practice. You need to place incense in a semi-circle in front of you, drink fresh blood, paint your face with the blood, and focus on the person youre looking for. The Force can do precisely what is needed. How might someone with an unusual background or extraordinary dedication take magic either a step further or a step in a new direction? Also I think the name Grey Death is cool, especially if theres some in world reason? This is the easiest part from technical point of view in my current design. Too Trope-ish?? Reading this made me realize that while Ive got the source pretty nailed down, I dont actually have much else figured out yet! For example my magic is about energy- but you cant control energy like Motion in the traditional telokinies way (you think & point and it moves anywhere)- instead you can only increase the speed of a moving object or decrease its speed (to a full stop if your skilled enough) or create movement in a static object (only in one direction as if you hit it- and only that single inital pow of motion), So if youd like your magic to be one of the driving forces in the conflict of your story then itll be great to know what you can and cant do with it and understand if there are any limitation to the magic which may make it more rememberable, interesting and unique- plus create a challange for your protagonist who has to use their wits to work around the limitation and solve a problem. In both these cases, its their clever problem-solving that saves them, not the power of the magic itself. Each of these works with each other and the level of each step determine how much oomph the next step has to produce an effect in our world. You could also INCREASE existing energy in an object (Eg- Can make a Moving ball move faster) Or you could DECREASE existing energy in an object (Eg- Can make a Moving ball slow down and even stop & become completely static). She might exchange one persons hand for anothers, but she might not deem two lives equal. There are others who feel this way as well. Like species in our world evolved so did the magic in their world, with their ancestors using a specific type of magic and pased it down it just became a part of them. Because water is more tangible than air and fire, it is likewise easier to hold on to. Mind is represents consciousness Each house is limited to one type of magic and students are not sorted by their character at the age of 11, but by what magic they have an affinity for. I've kept the descriptions short in order to mimic descriptions you'd often find in games and other franchises. : Building Your Own Hard Magic System. (For example, no effects that cover too large an area or are too far from the caster or use too much energy). Technically, you could link influencing the elements (moving earth to create a wall for instance) to the way Avatar handles it. I would think about the ways that physicists would classify energy kinetic energy (movement), electrical energy, heat and let your characters manipulate those. But creating a consistent system that allowed for both these laws and my magical exceptions without, say, having the laws of physics change so much that there are no stable structures, or allowing for time travel, was difficult. Your approach may vary wildly from other fantasy authors, and thats okay. The audience has no idea what they can do other than what theyve been directly told, so if they do anything new in a crisis, it will look like a deus ex machina. In the last forty-eight hours, this generator has been used to construct 2069 worlds and 9.7 GB of images. Sure, go ahead. Spirits that become familiars dont affect ambient energy levels, making casters bound to them potential weapons, but also wild cards (whether theyll help you depends on both their own desires and their familiars). Aurai are wind nymphs. I have read an anecdote in which members of a certain tribe classified an orange with a knife, rather than an orange with an apple as the Western researchers expected, reasoning that a knife cuts an orange so they belong together. As I said, I was also inspired by depictions of psychic powers in fiction, so I used this idea to explain telepathy (immaterial minds were the same substance, so they could have a way to directly communicate with each other) and telekinesis (if thoughts could generate energy, then maybe they could create enough energy to affect outside objects as well). Ill be checking this site for updates everyday, so thank you in advance of letting me share my crazy idea with you all. To make an arbitrary assortment of abilities feel like they fit together, he gave them a strong theme. Therefore, its probably a power you should consider not using unless its absolutely plot relevant for you to have a character who can do that. Demonic magic is based on bad and Angelic magic is based on good. If youre at a loss, take a page from Brandon Sandersons Mistborn series. Its origin is with the creation of all life itself and the first humans: Black and White. Many possibilities). I feel that doing so, would provide some much needed structure as I go through the worldbuilding process but Im worried that it could make my Mages feel less wizardy, and more like X-men? Its a solid premise, and Im sure youll do amazing things with it. Mind energies are bit different: they could be bonded with any type of energy. Moon magic is cyclic in its strength, strongest during a full moon and weakest during the new moon, and is also weak during the day. If Rowling had, for instance, done more with the four houses, things might have been different. It sounds like youre going the scientific route with energy. And theres nothing less exciting than a story where the protagonists can escape from any danger just by wishing it away. A grammar checker, style editor, and writing mentor in one package. I also want the systems to be distinct, but relatively balanced. Old Magic might easily just be a reference to magic used on a more instinctive or subconscious level hence Lilys sacrifice can create a protection for her son, because she wanted with all her heart to keep him protected. That wall of gobbldygook was as far as i got (there were a few story bits though; going to one of the factories and contending with the burgeoning AIs, people with unflattering mutations being exiled or outright killed, fear of the outside and of the disease, the worry that the holy artifact gifted by the gods(the jammers) is growing dim, whatever). If one side summons up a lot of spirits, they inadvertently give more available energy to those who channel it from the surrounding area. These properties can give limitations but also make some stronger. One example is that because the laws of physics are invariant with respect to time translation (they dont change over time), energy is conserved. Paint is everything and everywhere. If you dont have enough power to spare, the spell fizzles. For a similar reason, simple exhaustion, without any other defined limits, is generally a weak way to limit an ability in the story. A very interesting and well laid out post, though I dont quote agree with all the recommended reading. Ask yourself what sources will work well for the magical effects you want to use, and what sources will work well within the world you have created. Only one. Below, Ive outlined six general steps you can follow to forge an effective magic system for your story. Check out my other generators This type of magic is tricky and potentially dangerous, as the faerie in question could seek out loopholes that benefit them and take more from the person than what was agreed. Its a very complex mathematical theorem, but the really basic idea I understand is that conservation laws and symmetries are connected. Fortunately it's not that hard to create a magic system, so this guide will be relatively short, but the amount of work you'll have to put into the creation of your magic will depend entirely on how detailed you want to get. This would involve a preferred reference frame, breaking relativity (for a specific class of phenomena only) but disallowing time travel (I dont have anything against time travel stories; I just didnt feel like including it in my universe). Magic types: I just wanted to run a few things past eyes that arent mine any feedback/critique/comments would be hugely appreciated!! But those who have returned have never been inside the Tower. Im on my first crack of trying to writing and my magic system feels too simple to me and not sure if its good enough and would like a little insight.

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